Photo of Vangelis Angelakis

Vangelis Angelakis


Towards Cities 5.0 - Internet of Things put to use for a sustainable urban environment


Vangelis holds a PhD (2008) from the Department of Computer Science of the University of Crete. He joined the Department of Science and Technology as an MSCA postdoctoral fellow in 2009. He became an assistant professor in 2013, in 2015 he received his docent (habilitation), advancing to associate professor, and since 2021 he is a full professor.

Vangelis has been a guest researcher at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), China (2013), and visiting research associate at University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA (2005). He has also been a guest scholar at Lund University - Mobile and Pervasive Computing Institute (2014-’16).

Vangelis coordinated the EU FP7 MSCA IAPP project SORBet, was the principal investigator (PI) for LiU in the EU Horizon 2020 MSCA ITN WiVi-2020 project and in the EU FP7 ICT RERUM project. He had also been acting as project manager within two more EU-funded projects coordinated by the Mobile Telecommunications group and had been in the OPTICWISE COST Action management committee.

His research has also been funded by Vinnova, VR, the ELLIIT excellence center, and the GSRT. Vangelis has been external evaluator for research proposals for Greek, Qatari, and Estonian funding agencies, while he has served as an associate editor of the IEEE/KICS journal of communications and networks (JCN – 2013-‘20), guest editor in a research topic of Frontiers, and serves as an associate editor in the IET Smart Cities (2020-).

With research interests in architecture design and performance characterisation of IoT and edge-to-cloud systems, as well as digital twinning, he is involved in the MODIG-TEK project (Triple-F), SuMIn (FORMAS), and Testbed Kungsgatan (Norrköpings fond för forskning och utveckling) projects, while he is also leading the Cities 5.0 research activity. Vangelis has more than 80 papers in international journals and peer-reviewed conferences. He has edited a book on smart cities (2017), has published five book chapters, and was a contributor to the 8th global edition of the Kurose-Ross “Computer Networking a top-down approach” textbook. He has been serving as organizer and technical program committee member in a wide range of international conferences and workshops.

Vangelis has delivered courses in the University of Crete (2009), the Hellenic Mediterranean University (2004-‘08), and LiU (2009-), where he has developed and is running courses in Smart Cities (2015-), IoT (2017-), and Digital Twins in Construction (2021-). 



J. Broz, Vangelis Angelakis, M. Penttinen, A. Schon, A. Jain, T. Tichy, F. Del-Busto, I. Sioutis, Tina Schmid Neset, Ida Grundel, T. A. Carstensen (2024) Designing an evaluation methodology for the Living Labs of the ELABORATOR project 2024 SMART CITIES SYMPOSIUM PRAGUE, SCSP (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Robert Klar, Anders Andersson, Anna Fredriksson, Vangelis Angelakis (2024) Container Relocation and Retrieval Tradeoffs Minimizing Schedule Deviations and Relocations IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 5, p. 360-379 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Lina Morkunaite, Justas Kardoka, Darius Pupeikis, Paris Fokaides, Vangelis Angelakis (2023) Digital Twin for Grey Box modeling of Multistory residential building thermal dynamics 2023 IEEE 9TH WORLD FORUM ON INTERNET OF THINGS, WF-IOT (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Robert Klar, Vangelis Angelakis (2023) Standardized and Interoperable Digital Twins 2023 IEEE CONFERENCE ON STANDARDS FOR COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING, CSCN, p. 382-382 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Robert Klar, Niklas Arvidsson, Vangelis Angelakis (2023) Digital Twins' Maturity: The Need for Interoperability IEEE Systems Journal (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
