12 September 2018

Screening for substances that affect hormones, digital solutions for active aging and infrastructure for climate simulation are three projects with LiU participation awarded funds from the EU Horizon 2020 programme.

Data center at NSC, Campus Valla, Linköpings University.
Data center at National Supercomputer Centre, Campus Valla, Linköping University. Thor Balkhed
Horizon 2020, the largest EU research and innovation programme ever, will distribute research grants during the period 2014-2020 for projects that meet various societal challenges. Several projects in which LiU is participating were awarded grants in the most recent round.

The first project concerns a new method to test and screen substances, in order to identify those that affect hormones. The GOLIATH project (“Generation Of NoveL, Integrated and Internationally Harmonised Approaches for Testing”) has been awarded a total of nearly EUR 7 million, of which LiU is to receive nearly EUR 340,000. Principal researcher at LiU is Susana Cristobal, professor in the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine.

The second project, “Smart Age-friendly Living and Working Environment (SmartWork)”, deals with digital solutions to support an active, healthy aging and working life. The project has received nearly EUR 4 million, of which LiU is to receive EUR 300,000. Tom Ziemke, professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science is principal researcher at LiU.

Hamish Struthers, application expert at the National Supercomputer Centre, is principal researcher for LiU’s part of the project “Infrastructure for the European Network for Earth System modelling – Phase 3” (IS-ENES3). The project provides researchers with a European digital infrastructure that can be used not only in the development of climate models but also when using the results produced by the models. IS-ENES3 has been awarded nearly EUR 10 million, of which LiU is to receive EUR 62,000.

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