07 November 2024

The Swedish Research Council has now decided on the allocation of research grants in four areas. At Linköping University, the area of natural and engineering sciences is to receive the most funding.

Photographer: THOR BALKHED

Linköping University has received a total of SEK 232 million in the Swedish Research Council’s latest funding round. The money has been allocated as follows:

In the area of medicine and health, a total of SEK 60.3 million was granted to twelve researchers.

In the area of natural and engineering sciences, a total of SEK 105 million was granted to 25 researchers.

In education sciences, the Swedish Research Council granted a total of SEK 12.2 million to three researchers.

Finally, six researchers in the humanities and social sciences were granted SEK 54.3 million in total.

The Swedish Research Council

About the Swedish Research Council

The Swedish Research Council is Sweden’s governmental research funding body and supports research in all scientific fields. They advise the Government on research policy and work to ensure that research benefit society.

Source: The Swedish Research Council 

The researchers

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