Cognitive Science

Human consciousness is inconceivably complex: the brain consists of hundreds of billions of interconnected neurons. The thought process engages and is used in interaction with other people and the physical environment, which makes the entire situation all the more complex.

Cognitive science studies these processes from several different scientific perspectives. The researchers study people's thoughts, develop machines that carry out cognitive tasks and study cognition in other animal species.

When we as people link together what takes place in the brain with what takes place inside a computer and what is happening in our physical and social surroundings, thinking becomes a hybrid process. Technology is part of our culture, and our thought processes are already a hybrid of psychology, culture, biology and technology.

At Linköping University, the focus is on the interaction between cognition and communication. Studies look at how decisions are made in groups, for example. We develop programs for learning using artificial agents and build cognitive robots, both to help us in our cognitive processes and to increase our understanding of these.


A women is doing computed tomography.


We at JEDI lab at Linköping University conduct research on intuition, reflection, and emotion in economic decision-making. The aim of our research is to understand everyday decision-making and its underlying processes.

The Ageing and Social Change research environment

The Ageing and Social Change research environment conducts leading-edge research on key social, political and cultural issues of ageing.

Virtual Worlds: digital technologies in climate and biodiversity governance

Virtual Worlds explores the role of digital technologies in managing climate change and biodiversity loss. The program reviews how technology can improve environmental governance and include local knowledge for sustainable development.
