Education in Organic Electronics


Undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate education in organic electronics and applied physics at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics

Education at LOE covers graduate (masters and PhD) studies, as well as postgraduate (postdoc) studies, with occasional undergraduate-level projects. These actives are all highly applied, with research activities in LOE's laboratory environment. Below, you can find relevant information for prospective and current students.

PhD education at LOE

PhD students at LOE become degree candidates in the Technical Faculty's Applied Physics program. That is, PhD degrees awarded at LOE are in the subject "Applied Physics". Generally, PhD students are recruited through job announcements that we post on our job openings page. You can find and detailed descriptions of graduate education at LiU, including expectations, criteria, and timelines at the following links:

Linköping University's Faculty of Science and Engineering's page on PhD studies

Doctoral studies at Linköping University

Masters education (project work) at LOE

If you are interested in doing a masters thesis at LOE, it is recommended that you contact the relevant group leader(s) directly (see the LOE Contact page).

We also encourage prospective students to look into the European Commission's Erasmus Programme, which can support students interested in doing masters projects within the EU.

Courses offered at LOE

LOE currently offers two elective courses associated with the Electronics Design Engineering and Biomedical Engineering masters programs. These courses are open to all masters and PhD students (with sufficient prerequisites).

Organic Electronics 1 (TNE103): Masters and PhD course covering a broad introduction to topics in fundamental and applied organic electronics.

Organic Electronics 2 (TNE104): Masters and PhD course going into more detail on fundamentals and applications.

Relevant courses and programs for prospective students

If you are interested in pursing graduate studies at LOE, we recommend that you consider the following courses and programs in your undergraduate education:

Physics, Materials Science, Electrical Engineering, Biotechnology, Electrochemistry, Energy Harvesting, Solid-state Physics

At Linköping University, these would include some of the Civil Engineering programs, in particular Electronics Design Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Engineering Biology, and Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering.

Information for current and prospective students

You can search for additional courses via the university's course catalog.