Research in Applied Physics aims to apply the methods, models and approaches of physics in various fields of science, such as surface and molecular physics, biotechnology, lab-on-a-chip, organic electronics, self-organising materials, and polymeric and soft materials.

Optical image of an Al cathode of an OLED degraded by high current surge Photo: Gabor Mehes / Laboratory of Organic Electronics

The research area covered by Applied Physics is related to applications of physics in biology, chemistry, medicine, life sciences, electronics, nanoscience, materials science and other fields.

Many projects in the area have a connection to life sciences. In this subject, PhD students are offered many possibilities to collaborate worldwide. Currently a large number of collaborative projects are carried out with a variety of research groups around the world, and with national and international industry.

The PhD studies are often conducted in collaboration with other divisions at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences (BKV), the Department of Health, Medicine and Caring Sciences (HMV), the Department of Biomedical Engineering (IMT), the Department of Science and Technology (ITN), and the University in general. The intention is to offer PhD students with varying backgrounds an opportunity to graduate in a multidisciplinary environment.

Study syllabus


Green wooden tree with theses dashed on spikes

Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Science and Engineering

Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Science and Engineering aims to develop your ability to independently use scientific methodology and conduct research within the academy or the industry.

Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM)

Undergraduate teaching and research in the areas of biology, chemistry, materials and applied physics and theory and modelling are conducted at this department.


Department of Science and Technology (ITN)

We research and teach in several technical and scientific disciplines in which our main areas are organic electronics, media, communications and logistics.

Doctoral studies at Linköping University