Collaborate with us

Collaborations at Media and information technology

Interested in collaborating with us? Media and information technology contributes expertise in visualization, computer graphics, artificial intelligence and design, and we are always interested in new opportunities for collaboration. The primary contact person is Per Johannesson. Read more about some of our collaborations below.

Ongoing collaborations

Big yellow building with the sign

A visualisation centre to understand and change the world

To show what actually cannot be seen, and to make complex information comprehensible by way of images. This is what visualisation is about, and this is the objective of the Visualization Center C in Norrköping.


WASP - Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program

The fourth industrial revolution is upon us, as automation becomes autonomy. LiU conducts outstanding research in several of the fields that are central to the Wallenberg AI Autonomous Systems and Software Program, WASP.

Close up of a person's eye. The eye colour is blue-green.

Visual Sweden - Europe’s most attractive environment for innovations in visualization and image analysis

Visual Sweden is an initiative based in Östergötland, Sweden, oriented at promoting innovation and regional growth within the visualization and image analysis fields.

Visual Sweden
Global networks combined with light.


ELLIIT is a network organization for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) research at Linköping, Lund, Halmstad and Blekinge. The objective is scientific excellence in combination with industrial relevance and impact.

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LiU awarded jubilee grant from KAW

Visualization Center C in Norrköping will be the hub in a major science project funded by SEK 150 million from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. Five science centres will participate – in Norrköping, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Umeå.

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Travel through the universe with OpenSpace

We can go on a trip to Mars and wander through the red sand, or why not drop in on Pluto? The research project OpenSpace, led by LiU professor Anders Ynnerman, is now opening the universe for visits.

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Visualiseringscenter C

Consists of five actors: the public arena Visualiseringscenter C, Cnema, RISE C-Studio, Norrköping Science Park, and C-research – research conducted by the division for Media and Information Technology, Linköping University.


Contacts for collaboration
