The annual LINK-SIC workshop took place 18 November.


13.00: Welcome and LINK-SIC update. Svante Gunnarsson, LiU
13.15: Poster teaser. Here you find the posters and videopresentations.
13.30: New Licentiate theses during 2020.
Fredrik Ljungberg, LiU: Estimation of Nonlinear Greybox Models for Marine Applications
Erik Hedberg, LiU: Control, Models and Industrial Manipulators
Robin Forsling, LiU: Conservative Linear Unbiased Estimation
14.15: Break
14.30: Indoor Positioning for Office Applications. David Törnqvist, Senion
14.50: LINK-SIC after three years, opportunities and challenges
15.20: Closing (End of the official part of the workshop)
15.30: Board meeting and meeting with ISAB

The workshop will be held via Teams and an invitation has been sent out to registered participants. If you forgot to register, please contact

