
Elin Nilsson

Associate Professor

My research focuses on social work encounters involving couples living with major neurocognitive disorders. Specific analytical aspects highlighted by means of multimodal conversation analysis are knowledge claims, pronoun use and inclusion.

How couples living with dementia manages changes

I am a senior lecturer in Social Work at Linköping University, Sweden.

By using multimodal conversation analysis, my research focuses on interaction among couples living with dementia as well as needs assessments for elder care services, drawing both on videorecorded interviews and naturally occurring data. I am also a member of Conversation Analysis and Social Work (CASW) group. As an affiliate of CARM-The Conversation Analytic Role-Play Method by Elizabeth Stokoe, I am currently providing research-based communication training with care-managers across Sweden.


Social work interaction involving individuals and families living with major neurocognitive disorder (dementia).

I am currently leading a longitudinal research project in which she, together with Associate Professor Anna Ekström and Professor Lars-Christer Hydén, examines how couples living with dementia manages changes. Elin has finished a postdoctoral project at Uppsala University, Sweden, which focused on how needs assessments between care managers and older couples are carried out, with a specific interest in self-determination, alliances, and management of resistance from clients with dementia.

I am also working in a research project led by Associate Professor Anna Olaison at Linköping University, in which they have conducted focus group interviews with care managers regarding needs assessments with couples. The research findings from these three projects provide a basis for CARM workshops with care managers and potentially other professionals who meet and provide services for persons living with dementia.


Research Collaborations and Research Environment



Anna Olaison, Elin Nilsson (2025) Hitta vägar runt det svåra- biståndshandläggares möten med äldre par med demenssjukdom Socialt arbete med äldre människor: att se både utmaningar och möjligheter, p. 136-151 (Chapter in book)


Elin Nilsson, Anna Olaison, Annika Taghizadeh Larsson, Johannes Hjalmarsson Österholm (2024) 'Control or support?' Professional roles and judgements in problem solving in adult social work team conferences Journal of Social Work Practice, Vol. 38, p. 387-408 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Elin Nilsson, Anna Olaison (2023) "I See What You Mean"-A Case Study of the Interactional Foundation of Building a Working Alliance in Care Decisions Involving an Older Couple Living with Cognitive Decline Healthcare, Vol. 11, Article 2124 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI



I am teaching at the Social Work program, where I am responsible for courses at base and advanced level focusing on institutional interaction and communication for social workers.

Academic background


Degree of Masters of Social Psychology, 2010

Doctoral degree in Social Work, 2018



Research coworkers