Photo of Johannes H Österholm

Johannes H Österholm

Associate Professor

Participation as an everyday practice

Central to my research is participation as an everyday practice. My research interest concerns how conditions can be created so that older people can continue to be involved in decisions about their own everyday life. To create conditions for participation, my research revolves around how collaboration takes place between different actors within social services and health care.

I lead the project Collaboration in Dementia care - Agency (CoDA) financed by Forte. The aim of this research project is to explore the collaboration between different care providing agencies in the discharge process from inpatient care to health and care in the municipality for persons with dementia.

I also participate in WellTECH@age, led by Åsa Larsson Ranada, also a project financed by Forte, where we investigate how welfare technology can contribute to security, activity, participation and independence in elder care.

I am also interested in educational research, which is why I participate in the research group Learning Occupational Therapy Skills (LOTS). The purpose of the research I participate in LOTS is to investigate how teaching can be organized and implemented so that occupational therapist students learn the skills necessary to carry out assessments of patients' abilities.

Teaching assignment

The teaching I conduct takes place mainly within the Occupational Therapy Program at Campus Norrköping. I am responsible for the course Occupational Therapy for Diseases and Health Problems - II and I am the examiner of the course Accessibility and Participation in Occupation. I also conduct some teaching at advanced level and in some postgraduate courses with a focus on qualitative research methods.

About me

Academic degree

  • Doctor of Philosophy [Ph D] (major in Health and Society), 2016
  • Master of science (major in Occupational Therapy), 2011
  • Bachelor of science (major in Occupational Therapy), 2009

Research grants



Johannes Österholm, Anna Olaison, Annika Taghizadeh Larsson (2024) Age-appropriate elder care recipients? Care manager's categorisation practices in intraprofessional case conferences Journal of Aging Studies, Vol. 69, Article 101234 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Annika Taghizadeh Larsson, Anna Olaison, Johannes Hjalmarsson Österholm (2024) Joint ethics work on the principle of self-determination in a challenging, contemporary social work context: An analysis of collegial discussions behind the scene
Johannes H Österholm, Åsa Larsson Ranada (2024) Occupational therapists' experiences of working with people with dementia: a qualitative study Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, Vol. 31, Article 2305253 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Johannes Österholm, Maria Andreassen, Martha Gustavsson, Åsa Larsson Ranada (2023) Older people's experiences of visiting social day centres: The importance of doing and being for health and well-being Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, Vol. 30, p. 76-85 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Anna Olaison, Annika Taghizadeh Larsson, Johannes Hjalmarsson Österholm (2023) Making an (in)appropriate client: Social workers' use of storylines in gatekeeping processes in the context of collegial case conferences Nordic Social Work Research (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

