
Magnus Wijkman

Associate Professor, Docent

I am assistant program director at the medical program. My research field is risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.


I am associate professor and docent in Internal Medicine at Linköping University, and I work clinically as an internist, endocrinologist and diabetologist av Vrinnevi Hospital in Norrköping. At the medical program, I am assistant program director.

My research field is risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. I am particularly interested in improving risk stratification for people living with diabetes mellitus or hypertension. Current research projects include studies of the associations between home blood pressure variability and home blood pressure orthostatism, respectively, and the degree of cardiovascular organ damage, in the SCAPIS study.

About me


  • Associate professor in Internal Medicine (2025)
  • Docent in Internal Medicine (2021)
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women´s Hospital, Boston, USA (2019-2021)
  • Adjunct associate professor in Internal Medicine (2018-2025)
  • Senior consultant, Vrinnevi Hopsital, Norrköping (2016)
  • Specialist in Endocrinology and Diabetology (2014)
  • Specialist in Internal medicine (2013)
  • PhD (2012)
  • MD (2005

Field of teaching

  • Course Director, “Clinical Medicine 1”
  • Member of Tema ERL (Endocrinology, Reproduction, Life Cycle)
  • Lecturer and leader of seminars for medical students


Cover of publication ''
Sara Hallström, Magnus Wijkman, Johnny Ludvigsson, Per Ekman, Marc Alan Pfeffer, Hans Wedel, Annika Rosengren, Marcus Lind (2022)

The Lancet Regional Health: Europe , Vol.21 Continue to DOI

Cover of publication ''
Magnus Wijkman, Brian Claggett, Muthiah Vaduganathan, Jonathan W. Cunningham, Rasmus Rorth, Alice Jackson, Milton Packer, Michael Zile, Jean Rouleau, Karl Swedberg, Martin Lefkowitz, Sanjiv J. Shah, Marc A. Pfeffer, John J. V. McMurray, Scott D. Solomon (2022)

Cardiovascular Diabetology , Vol.21 Continue to DOI

Cover of publication ''
Jenifer M. Brown, Magnus Wijkman, Brian L. Claggett, Amil M. Shah, Christie M. Ballantyne, Josef Coresh, Morgan E. Grams, Zhiying Wang, Bing Yu, Eric Boerwinkle, Anand Vaidya, Scott D. Solomon (2022)

Hypertension , Vol.79 , s.1984-1993 Continue to DOI


Jakob Hytting, Serkan Celik, Linus Bodestrom Eriksson, Panagiotis Mallios, Christofer Digerfeldt, Annette Waldemar, Magnus Wijkman, Martin Singull, Laila Hübbert (2025) Prevalence of abnormal thyroid hormone levels in acute new-onset atrial fibrillation Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, Vol. 11, Article 1518297 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Serkan Celik, Linus Bodestrom Eriksson, Jakob Hytting, Annette Waldemar, Panagiotis Mallios, Amanda Berggren, Ellen Oscarsson, Christofer Digerfeldt, Magnus Wijkman, Laila Hubbert (2024) Troponin-T as predictor of mortality in patients attending the emergency department with atrial fibrillation BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, Vol. 24, Article 719 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Thomas Nystroem, Erik Schwarz, Sofia Dahlqvist, Magnus Wijkman, Magnus Ekelund, Helen Holmer, Jan Bolinder, Jarl Hellman, Henrik Imberg, Irl B. Hirsch, Marcus Lind (2024) Evaluation of Effects of Continuous Glucose Monitoring on Physical Activity Habits and Blood Lipid Levels in Persons With Type 1 Diabetes Managed With Multiple Daily Insulin Injections: An Analysis Based on the GOLD Randomized Trial (GOLD 8) Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, Vol. 18, p. 89-98 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Sofia Sterner Isaksson, Henrik Imberg, Irl B. Hirsch, Erik Schwarcz, Jarl Hellman, Magnus Wijkman, Jan Bolinder, Thomas Nyström, Helene Holmer, Sara Hallström, Arndis F. Ólafsdóttir, Sofia Pekkari, William Polonsky, Marcus Lind (2024) Discordance between mean glucose and time in range in relation to HbA1c in individuals with type 1 diabetes: results from the GOLD and SILVER trials Diabetologia, Vol. 67, p. 1517-1526 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Daniel Pylov, William Polonsky, Henrik Imberg, Helen Holmer, Jarl Hellman, Magnus Wijkman, Jan Bolinder, Tim Heisse, Sofia Dahlqvist, Thomas Nystrom, Erik Schwarz, Irl Hirsch, Marcus Lind (2023) Treatment Satisfaction and Well-Being With CGM in People With T1D: An Analysis Based on the GOLD Randomized Trial Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

