Peter Johansson
I am a professor in the Department of Nursing and Reproductive Health, combining research with teaching. I also serve as the Head of Research at Närsjukvården in Öster, Region Östergötland
<p class="p1">Chronic illness, mental health, and digital support treatment programs</p>
Here, I have started a research group called the Group for Digital Health and Care. The focus of my and the group's research is to develop and evaluate digital support and treatment programs aimed at reducing mental health issues in patients with chronic somatic diseases, such as those with heart disease. These programs are based on cognitive behavioral therapy but have been adapted to the participants' somatic disease context. In our group, we have also begun to focus on how these digital programs can be used to provide support for self-care and behavioral changes, for example, for people waiting for kidney transplants or with COPD. People with chronic illnesses often receive support and help from relatives/friends (i.e., informal caregivers). This is a vulnerable group that often experiences a heavy burden, stress, and mental health issues. Our group is now also working on developing and testing digital support programs for informal caregivers. We are also learning to recruit participants for our studies via social media. Through this, we have learned that this type of digital support program is not geographically limited but can be provided to people regardless of where they live in Sweden.
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