Photo of Carl Johan Östgren

Carl Johan Östgren


My wish is to find better risk markers for cardiovascular disease in patients with type 2 diabetes than is available today. Another aim with my research is to better be able to individualize treatment to counter complications from diabetes.

Improved tools for assessing cardiovascular risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes and in the general population

My research is primarily confined to two studies; Cardiovascular Risk factors in type 2 Diabetes - a Prospective cohort in primary care (CARDIPP) and the Swedish Cardiopulmonary Study (SCAPIS) where I have the role of principal investigator (PI) at Linköping University. In the CARDIPP cohort study the collection of data is completed and in SCAPIS the data collection is currently starting.

About me

Other assignments

I am Medical Editor with the Journal of the Swedish Medical Association where I represent General Practice



Lee Ti Davidson, Jan Engvall, Ioana Simona Chisalita, Carl Johan Östgren, Fredrik Nyström (2024) Plasma copeptin and markers of arterial disorder in patients with type 2 diabetes, a cross-sectional study Cardiovascular Diabetology, Vol. 23, Article 200 Continue to DOI
Lee Ti Davidson, Jan Engvall, Ioana Simona Chisalita, Carl Johan Östgren, Fredrik Nyström (2024) Copeptin and asymptomatic arterial disorder in patients with type 2 diabetes, a cross-sectional study
Sara Higueras-Fresnillo, Ángel Herraiz-Adillo, Viktor H. Ahlqvist, Robin Oberg, Cecilia Lenander, Patrik Wennberg, Josefin Wangdahl, Daniel Berglind, Bledar Daka, Carl Johan Östgren, Karin Rådholm, Pontus Henriksson (2024) Associations of psychological factors with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular health in middle-age: the population-based Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage study (SCAPIS) BMC Public Health, Vol. 24, Article 1455 Continue to DOI
Carl Edin, Mattias Ekstedt, Markus Karlsson, Bertil Wegmann, Marcel Warntjes, Eva Swahn, Carl Johan Östgren, Tino Ebbers, Peter Lundberg, Carl-Johan Carlhäll (2024) Liver fibrosis is associated with left ventricular remodeling: insight into the liver-heart axis European Radiology Continue to DOI
Max Olsson, Anders J. Bjorkelund, Jacob Sandberg, Anders Blomberg, Mats Borjesson, David Currow, Andrei Malinovschi, Magnus Skold, Per Wollmer, Kjell Toren, Carl Johan Östgren, Gunnar Engstrom, Magnus Ekstrom (2024) Factors most strongly associated with breathlessness in a population aged 50-64 years ERJ Open Research, Vol. 10 Continue to DOI



