Photo of Johan Lundgren

Johan Lundgren

Associate Professor, Docent

Most people take it for granted that physical and mental wellbeing affect each other. But the current healthcare system is not always very good at addressing the psychological problems of people who also have one or more physical conditions.

Heart failure and depression

My research concerns psychological problems among people with chronic heart disease. 

As part of the HeaDING-CBT project, we have designed and customised a guided self-help programme of online cognitive behavioural therapy for individuals with heart failure and depressive disorders.

My previous studies concluded that the programme is feasible. The present focus is on the effectiveness of treatment and perceptions of online care among the participants.

Teaching in the Nursing Programme

Most of my teaching is in the area of pharmaceutical calculation. I am also involved in examining third-semester students, supervising first-cycle degree projects and offering CPR training. 

Specialist Nursing Programme, Psychiatric Care

I lecture on affective disorders for the Specialist Nursing Programme and participate in instruction by means of assessment and feedback on written assignments.

Research and teaching

  • I am part of the research group for digital health and care. There I mainly work with research projects that investigate how internet-based interventions can help people with some form of mental health problems or concerns that at the same time live with some form of physically long-term health problem such as heart disease or waiting for a kidney transplant.
  • I mainly teach at the nursing program where I am course director for semester 1. My teaching assignments also include teaching at the specialist nursing program and supervision of students' degree projects at both undergraduate and advanced level.




  • Associate professor since 2018
  • PhD in Medical Sciences 2018
  • Lecturer 2009-2018
  • Specialist Degree in Nursing with a specialisation in Psychiatric Care 2006
  • Nursing degree and RN Nurse since 2002

Educational assignment

  • Course director for semester 1 at the nursing program
  • Teaching at the specialist hospital programme
  • Supervision of students at undergraduate and advanced level

Selected publications

Cover of publication ''
Johan Lundgren, Gerhard Andersson, Örjan Dahlström, Tiny Jaarsma, Anita Kärner Köhler, Peter Johansson (2015)

Patient Education and Counseling , Vol.98 , s.935-942 Continue to DOI

Cover of publication ''
Kristina Nilsson, Mats Westas, Gerhard Andersson, Peter Johansson, Johan Lundgren (2022)

Patient Education and Counseling , Vol.105 , s.2422-2428 Continue to DOI



Christina Reuther, Johan Lundgren, Maria Gottvall, Johan Ljungberg, Joanne Woodford, Louise von Essen (2024) E-therapists' views on the acceptability and feasibility of an internet-administered, guided, low-intensity cognitive behavioural therapy intervention for parents of children treated for cancer: A qualitative study Digital Health, Vol. 10, Article 20552076241260513 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Ghassan Mourad, Johan Lundgren, Gerhard Andersson, Peter Johansson (2024) Healthcare use in patients with cardiovascular disease and depressive symptoms - The impact of a nurse-led internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy program. A secondary analysis of a RCT Internet Interventions, Vol. 35, Article 100696 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Mats Westas, Ghassan Mourad, Gerhard Andersson, Johan Lundgren, Peter Johansson (2024) The effects of internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for depression in cardiovascular disease on symptoms of anxiety: a secondary analysis of a randomized trial European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Vol. 23, p. 382-390 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Magda Eriksson-Liebon, Johan Lundgren, Patrik Rytterström, Peter Johansson, Ghassan Mourad (2023) Experience of internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy among patients with non-cardiac chest pain Journal of Clinical Nursing, Vol. 32, p. 4060-4069 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Kristina Nilsson, Gerhard Andersson, Peter Johansson, Johan Lundgren (2023) Developing and designing an internet-based support and education program for patients awaiting kidney transplantation with deceased donors through: a Delphi study BMC Nephrology, Vol. 24, Article 311 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI



Research projects, networks and higher education degrees

Research projects

Principal Supervisor: 
Peter Johansson, Department of Medical and Health Sciences (IMH) 
Assistant Supervisor: 
Gerhard Andersson, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning (IBL)
Tiny Jaarsma and Anita Kärner Köhler, Department of Social and Welfare Studies (ISV)
The project also involves collaboration with Örjan Dahlström, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning (IBL).


The CESAR Network consists of researchers who collaborate in the area of cardiovascular care. The primary goal of the network is to improve collaboration on cardiovascular care among researchers in Jönköping, Kalmar, Linköping and Norrköping. Find out more about ongoing projects at the network website.



Higher education degrees

  • Registered Nurse/Bachelor of Nursing, 2002
  • Specialist Nursing Degree, Psychiatric Care/Master of Nursing, 2006
  • Admitted to third-cycle programme, 2014


Collaboration with researchers