Photo of Ghassan Mourad

Ghassan Mourad

Senior Associate Professor, Head of Unit

Just as the heart is located in the centre of the chest, it has been as central in my clinical position as a nurse at the cardiac unit, my teaching for the Nursing programme and my research on patients with chest pain.

Psychological distress in patients with unspecified/non-cardiac chest pain

My research focuses on patients with unspecified/non-cardiac chest pain, since I encountered many of them in my nursing career. They often fell between the cracks and did not receive the care they expected since no acute physical causes could be identified.

My studies have found that a large percentage of these patients experience fear and worries, cardiac anxiety and depressive symptoms, and use a substantial amount of healthcare resources, and thus contribute to high healthcare and societal costs. My current research evaluates the feasibility and efficacy of Internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy. Research is also conducted to explore patients´, spouses´, and healthcare perofessionals´ experiences and attitudes to such interventions. My goal is to build up national and international collaboration and develop the care for this group of patients.

Leadership and teaching

I am the head of unit at the Division of Nursing Science and Reproductive Health. In my role as the head of unit it is important to me that the work is done carefully and quickly, and that it takes place in dialogue with the staff. This leads to better conditions for both course coordinators and staff who more effectively can serve students, and this also promotes a good working environment.

My teaching experience has been within the Nursing programme, primarily as a supervisor, course coordinator and examiner. My areas of speciality have been cardiology and how to care of patients with acute heart disease, as well as drug calculation.

About me

Higher education degrees

• Registered nurse/Bachelor of Nursing, 1998 

• Master of Nursing, 2003 

• Doctor of Medicine, 4 December 2015


• Member of the management team at the Division of Nursing Sciences and Reproductive Health 

• Member of HMV Research Forum


  • Member of the Collaboration and Exchange in Swedish Cardiovascular Caring Academic Research (Cesar) Network
  • e-Health




Selected publications


Christofer Teske, Ghassan Mourad, Micha Milovanovic (2024) Physicians and nurses experiences of providing care to patients within a mobile care unit - a qualitative interview study BMC Health Services Research, Vol. 24, Article 1065 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Magda Eriksson-Liebon, Anita Kärner Köhler, Peter Johansson, Ghassan Mourad (2024) Living with non-cardiac chest pain - An inductive qualitative interview study of spouses' perspectives Nursing Open, Vol. 11, Article e2189 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Magda Eriksson-Liebon, Mats Westas, Peter Johansson, Ghassan Mourad (2024) Long-term effects and predictors of change of internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy on cardiac anxiety in patients with non-cardiac chest pain: a randomized controlled trial BMC Psychiatry, Vol. 24, Article 216 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Ghassan Mourad, Johan Lundgren, Gerhard Andersson, Peter Johansson (2024) Healthcare use in patients with cardiovascular disease and depressive symptoms - The impact of a nurse-led internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy program. A secondary analysis of a RCT Internet Interventions, Vol. 35, Article 100696 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Mats Westas, Ghassan Mourad, Gerhard Andersson, Johan Lundgren, Peter Johansson (2024) The effects of internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for depression in cardiovascular disease on symptoms of anxiety: a secondary analysis of a randomized trial European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Vol. 23, p. 382-390 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


I have conducted research since 2010 and received my doctoral degree in December 2015.

The aim of my thesis was to improve care for patients with non-cardiac chest pain by describing related psychological distress, healthcare utilization and societal costs, and by evaluating an Internet-delivered cognitive behavioural intervention. My subsequent studies have focused on evaluating the effects of an enhanced internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy program and examining the experiences of patients and their relatives concerning this program. Additionally, studies are ongoing in order to study health economic aspects and healthcare professionals’ perceptions and attitudes towards offering internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy to patients with non-cardiac chest pain.

After my dissertation, I expanded my research collaborations and areas of study. Together with researchers in the field, I formed the “Research Group for Digital Health and Care,” where several projects are conducted. My main focus remains on research involving patients with non-cardiac chest pain, but I have broadened my focus to investigate and treat psychological distress in patients with chronic somatic diseases. I have been the main or co-supervisor for several doctoral students in this area. I also supervise a doctoral student developing and evaluating a support program for informal caregivers. Additionally, I am a co-supervisor for a doctoral student studying mobile healthcare from the perspectives of patients, healthcare providers, and health economics.

My research projects have received external funding primarily from The Kamprad Family Foundation, Region Östergötland, and the Research Council in Southeast Sweden (FORSS).I have also received a scholarship from the Lions Medical Research Foundation.

The title of my doctoral dissertation is “Improving care for patients with non-cardiac chest pain - Description of psychological distress and costs, and evaluation of an Internet-delivered intervention.”

Collaboration with researchers in Nursing Science

External partners
