
Sussanne Larsson


I am a Webmaster at Website Management and Media Lab, Linköping University. I work with processes associated with content production and are introducing and training newly employed communications officers who are to work as editors in Sitecore.

Webmaster at LiU

Central webmaster in the Website Management and Media Lab at the Communications and Marketing Division.

I work as webmaster at Linköping University together with colleagues using various tools for publishing, support, analysis and education. I am driven by a desire to create, structure and organise to make contents, communication and processes even better.

My areas of responsibility and tasks as webmaster

I am responsible for introducing and training newly employed communications officers who are to work as editors in Sitecore (the web publishing system used at LiU). I am also responsible that user expertise increases continuously. Another field in which I work concerns processes associated with content production. This means, for example, that I guide and support editors in how to design and construct, or restructure, a webpage to give it better functionality and design, better suited to the target groups, purpose and objective that have been established for the page and its contents.

Part of my work is to answer and manage questions we receive to the functional email address I solve technical problems that editors experience, mainly in the use of Sitecore, and our external website I have administrative responsibility for web-related documents such as website strategy documents, contents guidelines, guides, etc.

Contact for central support

Webmasters are located in the D Building, Entrance 41, 2nd Floor.

My co-workers at Website Management

My Division

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