29 October 2021

Three researchers from LiU will receive funding from the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation. Their research projects concern topics as diverse as how we vocalise, educational reforms, and drawing boundaries between states in conjunction with the pandemic.

First snow at Campus Valla in Linköping, Sweden
Magnus Johansson

Erik Rosenqvist has been awarded SEK 4.8 million to study educational reforms in Sweden, Norway and Denmark, and the consequences of these for segregation and equality in schools. Erik Rosenqvist works at the Institute for Analytical Sociology (IAS) and the Department of Management and Engineering (IEI).

Leelo Keevallik from the Department of Culture and Society (IKOS) is to receive SEK 4.7 million for research in linguistics. Her project Sounding for Others: Distributed Agency in Action will explore how one person vocalizes to enact someone else’s ongoing bodily experience, and in that sense, speaks for someone else.

Xolani Tshabalalas has been granted SEK 2 million to study cross-border mobility in southern Africa during the pandemic, and how this has formed patterns for the future. For instance the project will investigate to what degree political and epidemiological boundaries coincide.

Three more researchers will receive RJ Sabbatical, which is funding that enables the researcher to complete research that has reached an advanced stage.
Zoran Slavnic, Department of Culture and Society (IKOS), has been awarded SEK 1.4 million for the project “Informaliseringens politiska ekonomi” (The Political Economy of Informalisation).

Artur Nilsson, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning (IBL), will receive approx. SEK 1.3 million for “Den personliga världsåskådningens psykologi” (The Psychology of the Personal Worldview).Elin Käck, Department of Culture and Society (IKOS), has been awarded SEK 1.2 million for ”Europatropen: Konstruktioner av Europa i amerikansk poesi” (The Europe Trope: Constructions of Europe in American Poetry).

The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation has awarded a total of SEK 370 million to 83 research projects.

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