14 June 2019

This year saw the largest number ever of international master’s students saying goodbye to LiU at the Farewell Ceremony. 229 students came up onto the stage at Forumteatern in Kårhuset Kollektivet to receive their diploma.

Jätteglada studenter på scen

Farewell Ceremony 2019. Kårhuset kollektivet, 12 juni 2019. Photo credit Magnus JohanssonThe theatre was filled to capacity with the 448 students, relatives and friends at the ceremony, which was preceded by casual socialising and chat before Chorus Lin opened the proceedings.

Farewell Ceremony 2019. Kårhuset kollektivet, 12 juni 2019. Photo credit Magnus JohanssonAs tradition demands, Vice-Chancellor Helen Dannetun gave a speech, after which the first group of master’s students was called up onto the stage for the Student Roll Call, each to receive a letter of congratulation from the vice-chancellor.

This was followed by a speech by Mathias Henningsson, senior lecturer in the Department of Management and Engineering and one of the teachers on the master’s programmes.

Then it was time for the second group of students to receive their letters of congratulation.

The student graduation speech this year was given by Mansi Kashatria from India. With a newly gained degree in Ethnic and Migration Studies from her time in central Norrköping, she described her observations of what is typically Swedish. The international audience of friends and relatives delighted in new insights about the Law of Jante, fika and the concept of “lagom”.

Farewell Ceremony 2019. Kårhuset kollektivet, 12 juni 2019. Photo credit Magnus JohanssonMansi Kashatria also took the opportunity to thank all friends and relatives for the long journeys they had taken from all over the world to celebrate with the students at the Farewell Ceremony. And she mentioned in particular the stubbornness they showed when applying for visas.

“The amount of paperwork required was probably about the same as the amount I produced during my complete study period”, she concluded, laughing.
After the final group of students had received their letters of congratulation, the ceremony concluded with typical Swedish folk music from the university folk music ensemble Strängas och Rör.

Farewell Ceremony 2019. Kårhuset kollektivet, 12 juni 2019. Photo credit Magnus JohanssonAfter another chance for casual socialising and the opportunity to have the moment recorded by a professional photographer, the master’s students could leave Kårhuset with their new diplomas.

“We had more participants than ever at the LiU Farewell Ceremony this year. Almost 500 people – it was great that so many came. And everything worked well without any hitches”, says Caroline Sturesson, coordinator from University Services and responsible for the Farewell Ceremony 2019.
And she was excellently assisted in the practical arrangements by Rovia Sabah Othnam Bndyan, who used the opportunity as part of her studies in a trainee programme for foreign academics.
“She deserves an extra ‘Thank you’ for her work with the ceremony”, says Caroline Sturesson.

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