Computer Engineering (DA)

The division of Computer Engineering performs teaching and research on processor architectures and logic design.

Fingers hold a computer chip. Photo credit Göran Billeson That includes digital logic, different kinds of processors, multiple processors, and system on chip integration from job analysis on high system level down to RTL or gate micro architecture level of VLSI implementations.

Our research focuses on design of ASIP (application specific instruction set processors) and OCMP (on-chip multiple processors) for embedded applications. We are especially interested in the memory and power issues of multi-processor architectures under specific flexibility.


Courses given by the Division of Computer Engineering


Picture of award ceremony.

PhD Workshop 2024 – A Successful Initiative

For the second time, the Department of Electrical Engineering (ISY) organized a full-day conference for its PhD students – PhD Workshop 2024. A successful initiative with a focus on presenting the department's research.

Demo of autonomous vehicle in Visionen.

ISY Day 2024 – AI in Society, Education, and Research

This year’s edition of ISY Day offered lectures, discussions, and demonstrations within this year's theme "AI in Society, Education, and Research". A theme that is both current and highly relevant at the Department of Electrical Engineering.

ELLIIT Joint Autonomous Systems Lab in Linköping and Lund showcasing autonomous robot.

The University Board on Study Visit to Visionen

In December 2023, the university board visited the Department of Electrical Engineering (ISY). In the research arena Visionen, examples were presented highlighting Linköping University's crucial role in technological and societal development.

Successful premiere for ISY's PhD Workshop

For the first time the Department of Electrical Engineering organized an all-day conference dedicated solely to the department's PhD-students. Afterwards the director of PhD studies, Mark Vesterbacka, was more than satisfied when he summed up the day

From left Carl Ingemarsson, Li Li, Gang Liu, Zheng Ma, Erik G Larsson, Oscar Gustafsson, Trinh van Chien, Erik Bertilsson and Amin Ghazanfari.

Swedish-Chinese collaboration in 5G technology

People say that 5G will be upon us in 2020, offering 1000 times more traffic at rates of hundreds of Mbit/s. There are many research projects in 5G under way, but probably only one of them is a Swedish-Chinese collaboration.


Five times the computing power

Researchers at Linköping University have developed a method to increase by a factor of five the computing power in one type of standard chip. The new method is both simple and smart, but the road to publication has been long.



About the department