The seminar with the title “Quantum computation and the additional degrees of freedom in a physical system” was held this fall.
The speed-up of Quantum Computers is the current drive of an entire scientific field with several large research programmes both in industry and academia world-wide. Many of these programmes are intended to build hardware for quantum computers.
A related important goal is to understand the reason for quantum computational speed-up; to understand what resources are provided by the quantum system used in quantum computation. Some candidates for such resources include superposition and interference, entanglement, nonlocality, contextuality, and the continuity of state-space. The standard approach to these issues is to restrict quantum mechanics and characterize the resources needed to restore the advantage.
Our approach is dual to that, instead extending a classical information processing systems with additional properties in the form of additional degrees of freedom, normally only present in quantum-mechanical systems.
In this talk, we will have a look at these additional degrees of freedom including the effect of Pauli-group contextuality, and how quantum computers make use of them to achieve the quantum speedup.
[1] Christoffer Hindlycke, Jan-Åke Larsson, An efficient contextual ontological model of n-qubit stabilizer quantum mechanics, to appear in Phys Rev Lett (2022).
[2] Niklas Johansson, Felix Huber, Jan-Åke Larsson, Conjugate Logic (2021).
[3] Niklas Johansson, Jan-Åke Larsson, Quantum Simulation Logic, Oracles, and the Quantum Advantage, Entropy 21:800 (2019).