
Everything around us is built up from different combinations of the elements of the natural world. This means that fields as diverse as medicine, biology, engineering, geology, materials science, meteorology and environmental science all depend in one way or another on a knowledge of chemistry.

Life itself is a quintessentially chemical process, and biological chemistry has a prominent position at LiU. A detailed understanding of the processes of life can be obtained only by studying biological molecules.

This is particularly true for proteins, which are important building blocks in the body and control all the chemical reactions that take place in the cell. Protein molecules are built up from thousands of atoms, and the complex shape of a protein molecule determines its biological function. It has become clear in recent years that many serious diseases, such as Alzheimer, Creutzfeldt-Jakob (“mad cow disease”) and Parkinson, are a result of proteins irreversibly adopting the wrong structure. Research has for this reason been focussed on understanding how the complicated structures are formed and why sometimes things go wrong. Chemistry researchers at LiU are also developing reporter molecules and drugs to use in the diagnosis of these diseases, and to block the harmful proteins. Proteins involved in the development of cancer, malaria and infectious diseases are also intensively studied, using the most advanced equipment available.

LiU researchers also participate in the fight against “designer drugs” or “legal highs”, which have rapidly become established on the illegal drugs market and constitute a serious social problem. The scientists are developing new interesting methods to detect unknown enzymes in microorganisms. These can then be used in biotechnology applications, one example of which is the more efficient production of biogas.

Advanced research into materials science is also a feature of chemistry research at LiU, involving both experimental and theoretical studies. One important region is the manufacture of new electronic materials using a method of synthesis known as “chemical vapour deposition” (CVD). This method has played a crucial role in the development of modern electronics devices such as mobile phones and computers.

In the field of energy, the researchers are particularly interested in the possibility of reusing carbon dioxide, together with hydrogen gas, to produce energy-rich hydrocarbons, methanol and dimethyl ether, as fuels for a sustainable society. Interest in this case is principally directed towards the catalytic processes that promote the reaction between carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas. Theoretical modelling plays a central role in research into CVD and into carbon dioxide reuse. The materials science research for this reason has its roots in not only inorganic chemistry but also physical chemistry.


Functional pi-materials

Functional Pi-Materials

Building functional nanostructures for clean energy technology through organic chemistry.

Conjugated polymer Chemistry

We develop green chemistry & chemical functionalization of conjugated polymers and explore photo- and electroactive stimuli-responsive hybrid materials.

Collage showing different aspects of the research in green polymer chemistry

Green Polymer Chemistry (GPC)

We develop new concepts in Polymer Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Biopolymer Chemistry to solve Sustainable and Functional Materials Synthesis challenges.


Bo Durbeej.

How to shift gears in a molecular motor

Scientists have long strived to develop artificial molecular motors that can convert energy into directed motion. Researchers at LiU have now presented a solution to a challenging problem: a “molecular gear”.

Peter Nilsson.

Peter Nilsson’s molecules shine a light on Alzheimer’s research

“Even though I’m a professor now, I still spend a lot of time in the lab, as I know that when I’m working hands on, that’s when I get the new ideas,” says Peter Nilsson. He develops tracer molecules that are used in research into Alzheimer’s disease.

Electron microscopy image showing amyloid of corona virus spike protein.

Possible discovery of mechanism behind mysterious COVID-19 symptoms

The immune system can affect the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, leading to the production of a misfolded spike protein called amyloid. A new study points to a possible connection between harmful amyloid production and symptoms of COVID-19.