
Within sociology, researchers attempt to understand society's character, how society changes and how this influences people.

Linköping University conducts sociological research within a number of areas, primarily within analytical sociology, working life and social work.

Since 2014 we have placed a large focus on analytical sociology – a tradition that unites an individual's actions on a micro level with society's development on a macro level. We study things such as the individual's mobility in different sectors: in working life, within the housing environment and within the school sector and how they intertwine and influence one another. 

Sociology provides a basic understanding of society's character and means of change and its significance to people as a social animal.

It is both a social science and a behavioural science and includes theories and tools for studying, describing, analysing and explaining relationships in society and human actions.


How “informal” critique, expressed verbally by patients, impacts care encounters and can improve care quality and equity is a blind spot in current work on the Swedish complaint system as well as in international research.

Patients’ critique in care encounters and its potential to improve care quality

How are care encounters affected by patients expressing critique? How can such critique lead to better, safer, and more equal care? These are questions explored within the project “What are you complaining about?”.

data center

Megabytes vs Megawatts

Megabytes vs Megawatts is a research project that studies ongoing infrastructure developments and societal imaginaries to make data centers more environmentally sustainable.

The Social Work research environment

The Social Work research environment nurtures justice and is guided by the principle of equal value for all persons. It acts to promote social change towards a more sustainable and inclusive society.


Woman at computer with the Swedish Public Employment Service home page.

Clash between employees and management when the Swedish Public Employment Service changed philosophy

The Swedish Public Employment Service was to become a modern public authority and wanted to introduce a new way of managing the organisation. Now researchers from Linköping University have examined what really happened.

Man in office with hand behind his head.

Extreme earners are not extremely smart

People with higher incomes also score higher on IQ-tests – up to a point. At high incomes the relationship plateaus and the top 1% score even slightly lower on the test than those whose incomes rank right below them, shows a new study from LiU.

A photo of Eduardo Tapia.

Schools’ intake segregates students

Various intake rules for upper secondary schools affect segregation among students. The effect is less than from other factors, but still clear. This is the conclusion of a new study written by researchers at Linköping University.