HELIX Competence Centre

a Women is showing something on computer for a men. Working environment.
Photo: iStock

HELIX Competence Centre is a 5-year program with a focus on sustainable development in organisations. The common theme of the research is to develop knowledge about how good working conditions in terms of learning, health and gender equality can be combined with efficiency and innovation.

The basis for our work is a partnership approach, where university, companies, public sector and labour market organisations work together in a so-called Triple Helix collaboration. In total, the 26 parties will cooperate in various research and development initiatives. The program is financed by the Sweden’s innovation agency, VINNOVA. Funding of 35 million Swedish crowns is spread over five years. The total value of the project with the contribution of our partners is 123 million Swedish crowns.

We will have a core organisation where even the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and Swerea IVF in the Gothenburg are included. In addition to public and private sector and trade unions are civil society organisations represented in the partnership. The expansion will enable us to operate better nationally and be a positive force for the development of working life in Sweden. We also will be working more with international contacts to influence the international research on work life challenges.

Knowledge Creation through Interactive Research

The interactive research approach that has been a trademark of our previous activities at Helix will continue to be the central point for the development of the research program. Interactive research is characterised by a continuous joint learning process between the researcher and the participants. The main focus is on the outcome of the research in terms of new theories and concepts. The authors argue that the inclusion of the participants in the whole research process is a way to increase the validity of the research, but also to make changes more sustainable due to critical reflection and analysis in the joint learning process.

Along with the new partnership, the researchers from the HELIX will focus on four main areas:

  • Sustainable development in industrial production systems
  • Growth and Development of Small Businesses
  • Sustainable, innovative and coordinated health and welfare services
  • Inclusive workplaces


HELIX Research and Innovation Council

Application for Continuation and Development of the HELIX Competence Centre
