
Andreas Wallo

Senior Associate Professor

I am an Associate Professor in Education and the co-director for the HELIX Competence Centre at Linköping University. My research interests include leadership and managerial work, workplace learning, HR-management and development.


How can we create conditions for learning and development in organisations? And how can management promote this learning?

In general, my research is focused on studying how to create conditions for learning and development in organisations. I am particularly interested in different types of human resource management and human resource development issues such as what managers, leaders and HR specialists do in their daily work to promote employee learning and development. I have also studied different types of factors that enable, but sometimes also hinder this work. Theoretically, I draw on theories and models from different fields, such as workplace learning, leadership, HRM, HRD, and organisational theory.

An important part of my work is the collaboration with the surrounding community. I, therefore, conduct my research based on a so-called interactive research approach, which emphasises knowledge creation through an egalitarian cooperation between researchers and practitioners with a focus on common problems or research objects. Today I am co-director and research leader at the HELIX Competence Center, which is a partnership for interactive work life research.



Stefan Tengblad, Hasantha Dassanaike, Anuradha Iddagoda, Mahvish Kanwal Khaskhely, Jonathan Omolo, Andreas Wallo (2025) Implementing policies for decent work and economic growth: The role of sustainable human resources management Achieving UN Sustainable Development Goal 8: Economic Growth and Decent Work For All, p. 55-73 (Chapter in book) Continue to DOI


Johanna Finnholm, Andreas Wallo, Karin Allard, Stefan Tengblad (2024) Reconceptualizing HR change agency: introducing a framework and propositions for future research Personnel review (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Marcus Persson, Andreas Wallo (2024) Digital automation and working life of HR practitioners: a gender analysis of the implications for workforce and work practices Gender, Technology and Development (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Andreas Wallo, Jason Martin, Mattias Elg, Ulrika Harlin, Ida Gremyr, Nina Bozic, Katrin Skagert, Anna Williamsson (2024) Charting the path to a sustainable, competitive and green industry in an era of rapid change: proposing a research agenda Cogent Business & Management, Vol. 11 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Jason Martin, Per-Erik Ellström, Andreas Wallo, Mattias Elg (2024) Bridging the policy-practice gap: a dual challenge of organizational learning Learning Organization (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Research interests

Workplace Learning
Leadership and Managerial Work
Human Resource Management (HRM)
Human Resource Development (HRD)
The Daily Work of HR Professionals
Leadership Development
Change and Development Processes in Organisations 
Labour Market Intermediaries, Human Resource Intermediaries
Interactive Research

Ongoing projects

Leadership for Learning and Innovation, 2017-
Value-adding Human Resource Management and Development Practices, 2017-
Learning in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Organisations, 2017-
Performance Measurement and Learning in Organisations, 2016-
Leadership, Management and Co-workership in the University (MedLed), 2016-

Previous projects

Leading and Organising Workplace Learning, 2005–2008
Supply of Competence in SMEs, 2009
Coordinating Management: Leadership and Managerial work in a Distributed and Resource Restricted Organisation, 2009–2012.
Developing Human Resource Strategies for Increased Renewal Capacity in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: The Role of Labour Market Intermediaries, 2010–2014.
The HR Function as a Facilitator of Innovation, 2012–2013.

Research Groups


CV, Networks & Social Media


  • Deputy Centre Director and Research Leader, HELIX Competence Centre, 2019-
  • Associate professor in Education, Linköping University, 2018-
  • Coordinator HELIX Competence Centre, 2017-2018
  • Docent in Education, Linköping University, 2014
  • Senior Lecturer, Linköping University, 2009-2018
  • PhD in Education, Linköping University, 2008


Research Networks

ESREA Network on Working Life and Learning Research (Convenor)
Centre for Global Human Resource Management
Swedish Interactive Research Association (SIRA)
