Interprofessional learning in practice

Students’ practices of joint learning and collaboration with patients across clinical placement arrangements in medical and health care

A strategic change of professional education in medicine and health is called for to increase patient safety and interprofessional collaboration across sectors and organisations of health care education and health care services.
This collaborative project between the Medical Faculty at Linköping University, Sweden, The Faculty of Health Sciences in Tromsö, Norway and the  HELIX VINN Competence Centre in Linköping explores health care students’ practices of interprofessional learning and collaboration with patients in clinical placements, i.e. practice arrangements where students from different professional programmes practice together to learn with, from and about each other to improve the quality of care.
The project has a practice-oriented perspective on learning as embedded in the complexities of practices. An interactive approach comprising ethnographic field studies is applied.
The expected findings will provide new knowledge of IPL in clinical practice, of high priority for professional educators and clinical supervisors in health care.
The project comprises of three empirical studies that together seek to answer the following overarching research questions:
  • How do arrangements for clinical placements enable interprofessional learning and
  • collaboration practices for students?
  • How is the patient included in students’ interprofessional learning and collaboration?
  • How can students’ interprofessional learning and collaboration be related to practices of supervision and the health care practices in which they are embedded?

Research group
