SWEDEwork – Sustainable work and everyday life

Close up of a laptop. On the left side of the laptop there are two toys, in front of the keyboard there is a cup of coffee and on the left there is a note pad and a mobile phone.

Sustainable participation in working life is strongly related to health and quality of life. In occupational therapy, work is a central occupational domain.

The research group SWEDEwork aims to investigate the individual's prerequisites for a sustainable working life, and to design person-centred interventions in medical and vocational rehabilitation. The group's research is characterized by projects related to clinical settings generating results usable for professionals.

The projects in the research group SWEDEwork include research in areas such as:

  • development, evaluation (psychometric), and implementation of assessment instruments
  • assessment of work ability and work environment
  • evidence-based interventions for people with impaired work ability related to diagnosis, disability, and activity limitation

In the research projects, we use a variety of quantitative and qualitative methods, for example in instrument development, questionnaires, survey studies, interview studies, follow-up studies, and ethnographic studies.

The research group is broadly based in the surrounding society through the dissemination and implementation of research results. National and international collaboration is conducted with other research groups and networks, authorities, organizations, and associations.

The researchers in SWEDEwork also conduct teaching and supervision on both undergraduate and postgraduate level at Linköping University and other universities.

The members of the research group also have continuous assignments in expert panels, as reviewers for international scientific journals, and as various forms of experts and opponents.

Research projects

