Lars Nielsen
Since 1992 he is professor of Vehicular Systems holding the Sten Gustafsson chair at Linköping University.
Lars Nielsen main research interests are in automotive modeling, control, and diagnosis.
Jian Zhou, Arvind Balachandran, Björn Olofsson, Lars Nielsen, Erik Frisk, Homotopic Optimization for Autonomous Vehicle Maneuvering, 2024 35TH IEEE INTELLIGENT VEHICLES SYMPOSIUM, IEEE IV 2024, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pp. 2561-2568, IEEE (2024)
Oskar Lind Jonsson, Arvind Balachandran, Jian Zhou, Björn Olofsson, Lars Nielsen, Investigating Characteristics and Opportunities for Rear-Wheel Steering, Proceedings of AVEC’24 – Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Giampiero Mastinu, Francesco Braghin, Federico Cheli, Matteo Corno, Sergio M. Savaresi (eds.), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 151-157 (2024)
Sogol Kharrazi, Lars Nielsen, Erik Frisk, Generation of Mission-Based Driving Cycles Using Behavioral Models Parameterized for Different Driver Categories, SAE technical paper series (2023)
Lars Nielsen, Force-Centric Perspectives on Autonomous Safety Maneuvers, IFAC PAPERSONLINE, ELSEVIER (2022)
Pavel Anistratov, Björn Olofsson, Lars Nielsen, Analysis and design of recovery behaviour of autonomous-vehicle avoidance manoeuvres, Vehicle System Dynamics 60:2231-2254 (2022)