Photo of Theodor Westny

Theodor Westny

PhD student

Public defence of licentiate thesis

Data-Driven Interaction-Aware Behaviour Prediction for Autonomous Vehicles

Theodor Westny, PhD candidate in Vehicular Systems, presents his licentiate thesis "Data-Driven Interaction-Aware Behaviour Prediction for Autonomous Vehicles"
Opponent is Senior ass. prof. Paolo Falcone, Chalmers/University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy.



Theodor Westny, Joel Oskarsson, Björn Olofsson, Erik Frisk (2023) MTP-GO: Graph-Based Probabilistic Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction With Neural ODEs IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, Vol. 8, p. 4223-4236 Continue to DOI
Arman Mohammadi, Theodor Westny, Daniel Jung, Mattias Krysander (2023) Analysis of Numerical Integration in RNN-Based Residuals for Fault Diagnosis of Dynamic Systems IFAC PAPERSONLINE, p. 2909-2914 Continue to DOI
Theodor Westny, Joel Oskarsson, Björn Olofsson, Erik Frisk (2023) Evaluation of Differentially Constrained Motion Models for Graph-Based Trajectory Prediction 2023 IEEE INTELLIGENT VEHICLES SYMPOSIUM, IV Continue to DOI
Theodor Westny (2023) Data-Driven Interaction-Aware Behavior Prediction for Autonomous Vehicles
Theodor Westny, Joel Oskarsson, Björn Olofsson, Erik Frisk (2023) MTP-GO: Graph-Based Probabilistic Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction with Neural ODEs

