Photo of Sara Läthén

Sara Läthén

Communications Officer

I work with communication in the two fields artificial intelligence and mathematics

Communications Officer at platform AI and the Department of Mathematics

I am employed at the Communications and Marketing Department and belong to the Research Communication and Press Unit. I share my time between what we call platform AI at Linköping University and the Department of Mathematics (MAI).

Artificial intelligence at Linköping University

Linköping University has AI expertise at all departments and there is a lot of exciting things happening in AI at the university. I have built and am developing which shows the many different parts of AI at the university. Also, I do a recurring newsletter about AI at Linköping University. Please send me an email if you have some news or event about AI. For major news and/or news that needs to be published quickly, contact

I am also part of AI Competence communication group. AI Competence is a national initiative for education and competence development in artificial intelligence. We are ten universities working together.

Department of Mathematics

Also, I work with communication at the Department of Mathematics (MAI).

Platform AI – artificial intelligence at Linköping University

My colleagues in the work with platform AI

Department of Mathematics (MAI)

My co-workers at Research Communications and Media Relations

My Division

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