
Susanna Ågren

Senior Associate Professor

I teach and conduct research in nursing, specializing in critically ill and frail patients and their families in intensive care, thoracic care and tuberculosis.


I am an Associate Professor and Associate Professor at the Department of Nursing, HMV. My research is focused on fragile patients in intensive care, tuberculosis and the health and well-being of heart surgery and critically ill patients.

My research focuses on facilitating care for frail patients by providing support, we can prevent a deterioration in health-related quality of life. We also do this so the frail patients can manage their symptoms and improve their functioning.

Working person-centred benefits the patient and their relatives during the ongoing period of illness and treatment. Person-centred care provides better adherence and, in the long run, and also improved medical outcomes. A conversation where the person meets a listening nurse is described as the basis for then making a joint plan for the upcoming treatment period. The key is the understanding of the situation in which the person is and that the plan is drawn up based on the situation.
The research group works with different specializations for frail patients and research-based with preventing and improving the person-centered through e.g. Health support and decision support where both qualitative and quantitative research is conducted with both retrospective and prospective design is used.

If you are interested in research collaboration, please contact me! My contact information can be found at the top of the page.

About me


  • Senior associate Professor and docent of Nursing
  • Intensive Care Nurse
  • Main supervisor for 1 PhD student at LiU, several clinic-related and national research projects

Educational assignments

  • Course coordinator Semester 6 Nursing Programme
  • Examiner at basic and advanced level
  • Group supervision bachelor’s and master’s degree


  • National network for nurses with PhDs within the National Association for Intensive Care
  • Cesar in cardiac care
  • National network for teachers in intensive care specialist education
  • iCARE children CPR

Selected publications

Cover of publication ''
Charlotte Trulsson, Weimar Ahlgren, Victoria Fomichov, Susanna Ågren, Per A Sandström, Bergthor Björnsson, Carina Wennerholm, Jenny Drott (2023)

Nursing Open , Vol.10 , s.2530-2539 Continue to DOI



Sebastian Geijer, Märtha Sund-Levander, Carina Hjelm, Susanna Ågren (2023) Tidig upptäckt av allvarlig vårdrelaterad infektion - Erfarenheter från sjukvårdspersonal på kirurgisk- och intensivvårdsavdelning
Susanna Ågren (2023) Familjestöd till svårt sjuk/kritisk sjuk patient
Anna Drakenberg, MiaLinn Arvidsson-Lindvall, Elisabeth Ericsson, Susanna Ågren, Ann-Sofie Sundqvist (2023) The symphony of open-heart surgical care: A mixed-methods study about interprofessional attitudes towards family involvement International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, Vol. 18, Article 2176974 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


