
Jan-Åke Larsson

Head of Department, Professor

My research is mainly in quantum technology, quantum information theory and foundations of quantum mechanics.

Quantum Technology, quantum information theory and foundations of quantum mechanics.


Research and teaching

My main research interests are connected in various ways with quantum mechanics, and I teach cryptology, quantum information theory, and foundations of quantum theory. My current main research project is a study of the resources available to Quantum Computers, that enable the quantum advantage.

Previous research concerns the security of Quantum Cryptography, specifically the classical subsystems needed in the various proposed systems. Underlying all this is the foundations of quantum mechanics, where I study questions of locality and contextuality, see the publication list for more information.

Thesis proposals

If you are interested in doing your Masters or Bachelors thesis with me, contact me. There may be an appropriate project.

PhD supervision;


Guilherme B. Xavier, Jan-Åke Larsson, Paolo Villoresi, Giuseppe Vallone, Adán Cabello, Energy-time and time-bin entanglement: past, present and future (2025)  https://arxiv.org/abs/2503.14675

Christoffer Hindlycke, Jan-Åke Larsson,  Single-qubit rotation algorithm with logarithmic Toffoli count and gate depth, Physical Review Research 6:L042027 (2024)  https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevresearch.6.l042027  https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.05618

Christoffer Hindlycke, Jan-Åke Larsson, Practical implementation of a single-qubit rotation algorithm (2024)  https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.18746

Christoffer Hindlycke, Niklas Johansson, Jan-Åke Larsson, Phase kickback in quantum Recursive Fourier Sampling (2024)  https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.15938

Nathaniel Helgesen, Michael Felsberg, Jan-Åke Larsson, Boosting the Validity of Multi-Class Quantum Outputs: Living on the Edge (2024)  https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.04944


Anton Zeilinger lectures.

Honorary Doctor and Nobel Laureate lectured on quantum mechanics

Recently, Anton Zeilinger, Professor Emeritus and Nobel Laureate in Physics, was promoted to Honorary Doctor at Linköping University. In connection with the ceremony, Professor Zeilinger also offered a technical lecture.

Portrait of man on space station (Marcus Wandt)

An astronaut and a Nobel laureate are new honorary doctors at LiU

The Swedish astronaut Marcus Wandt and the Austrian quantum physicist and Nobel laureate Anton Zeilinger have been appointed honorary doctors at the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Linköping University.

Jan-Åke Larsson.

Nobel Prize awarded for evidence of entangled particles

The Nobel Prize for Physics, 2022, has been awarded to three researchers, for their research into quantum phenomena. Jan-Åke Larsson, professor at LiU, has made theoretical contributions to experiments led by Anton Zeilinger in Vienna.

Quantum computers and photonics to attract students

“We have seen increasing interest from students for quantum computers, quantum cryptography and photonics, says Jan-Åke Larsson, who has taken the initiative to a new profile within Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering.

ISY 50

50 years of systems development

The Department of Electrical Engineering at LiU celebrates its 50th birthday. “We are proud of our long tradition of excellent research, top-quality education and close collaboration”, said Jan-Åke Larsson, head of department.

Jan-Åke Larsson

Spreading light over quantum computers

Scientists at Linköping University have managed to simulate quantum computer properties in a classical computer. “Our results should be highly significant in determining how to build quantum computers”, says Professor Jan-Åke Larsson.

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