01 October 2018

Two research projects at LiU have been granted funding from Formas, the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning. The largest amount will go to a project where researchers will help preschools work with global and national sustainability targets. Also, a LiU researcher is to receive a grant to organise a climate adaptation conference.

The research project “The world needs a new story – the role of the narrative in preschools’ societal transition” has been granted approx. SEK 6.5 million to build a foundation on which preschools can work on global and national sustainability. The project is a collaboration between researchers at Linköping University and preschools in Norrköping Municipality.

“We’re working with nine preschools, roughly 120 preschool teachers and 600 children, in order to investigate the narrative as a way of communicating a transition of society”, says Therese Asplund, research fellow at Environmental Change, Department of Thematic Studies, who will share the grant with Ann-Sofie Kall and Per Gyberg.

The project is expected to run from 2019 to 2021.

Stefan Anderberg from the Department of Management and Engineering is to receive SEK 3.8 million over three years for his project, “Sustainable management of the city’s subsurface infrastructure”.

Mattias Hjerpe is to receive a grant of SEK 200,000 for the Nordic Conference on Climate Change Adaptation, to be held in late October this year.

Translation: Martin Mirko

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