04 November 2020

Four LiU researchers will share more than SEK 21 million from the Swedish Research Council’s funding for the humanities and social sciences. Also, three LiU-based journals will together receive SEK 2.2 million.

Professor Anders Neergaard at the Department of Culture and Society (IKOS) is to receive SEK 5.9 million for his project on ethnonationalism “Skånegåtan och geografier av solidaritet: Platsidentiteter i skuggan av framväxande etnonationalism” (Skånegatan and geographies of solidarity: Place identities in the shadow of growing ethnonationalism). The project will explore why extreme-right political parties have been so successful in Sweden, and why this success has come so quickly. It will also investigate why these parties are dominated by men, and, in particular, why support for these parties differs between regions.

Sarah McIntyre, principal research engineer at the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences (BKV), is to receive SEK 5.8 million for a project on nerve mechanisms and human-to-human touch. Daniel Västfjäll, professor at the Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning (IBL) is to receive SEK 4.8 million to lead the project “Psykologiska mekanismer som minskar försummelse av humanitära värden i bedömningar och beslut” (Psychological mechanisms that reduce the neglect of humanitarian values in assessments and decisions).

Maria Brandén, senior lecturer at the Department of Management and Engineering (IEI ), will study the selection of schools, how families move and school segregation, thanks to a grant of some SEK 4.3 million.

Linköping University is home to three scientific journals that were awarded special funding for journals. Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research is to receive SEK 957,000, Europeisk tidskrift för forskning om vuxnas utbildning och lärande SEK 708,000 and Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training SEK 549,000.

The Swedish Research Council has rewarded grants of more than SEK 498 million for the period 2020–2025.

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