28 April 2022

When Swedes were asked which public authority they would most like to work for, Linköping University (LiU) turned out to be the most popular answer. LiU also ranks tenth on a list of all of Sweden’s most attractive employers. This has been shown by the annual survey Randstad Employer Brand Research. 

Flags with LiU-logo against blue sky with clouds
Linköping University hastopped a list of Sweden’s most attractive public authorities to work for,according to the Randstad Employer Brand Research survey.  Photographer: Anna Nilsen

“Proud and pleased”

The survey, which is carried out by the recruitment company Randstad, is the world’s largest independent employer branding survey. In this year’s survey, over 4600 Swedes have said what they think about Sweden’s 150 largest companies and public authorities.

Among the public authorities, LiU tops the list of where people most want to work. LiU also comes tenth in the total top list of Sweden’s most attractive employers.

LiU’s deputy vice-chancellor Karin Axelsson had this to say about the news:

“I am proud and pleased of LiU’s great performance in the employer survey. I see this as a sign that our outreach and visibility work is achieving good result.”

“We want to be an open and inclusive university that both contributes to society and brings society into our work. Our research and our programmes have long had a good reputation, and it’s fantastic that we’re now also ranked as a very good employer.”

Top of the list

In the survey, LiU is ranked highest of all public authorities in two criteria: good reputation and interesting work. The survey shows that the latter is the second-most important criteria (61 percent) for Swedes when they choose their employer.

“Linköping University has focussed heavily on professional development, which has helped build up a motivated, engaged and knowledge-driven working culture. It is an attractive employer for teachers, researchers and PhD students looking for an enriching and pleasant workplace”, says Martin Sjögren, who oversees analysis of the public sector at Randstad.

Spotify at the top – LiU in tenth place

On the list of popular public authorities, LiU is followed by the Swedish Transport Administration and Swedish Armed Forces. Two other universities – Uppsala and Gothenburg – are ranked in the top ten.

The overall list of Sweden’s most attractive employers – including the private sector – is topped by Spotify, Ikea and Volvo cars, with Linköping University in tenth place.
Brief facts

Facts: Sweden’s most attractive public sector employers 2022

1. Linköping University
2. Swedish Transport Administration
3. Swedish Armed Forces
4. Government Offices of Sweden
5. Swedish Customs Service
6. Swedish Defence Materiel Administration
7. Swedish Prison and Probation Service
8. Uppsala University
9. Swedish Police Authority
10. Gothenburg University

Sweden’s most attractive employers 2022

1. Spotify
2. Ikea
3. Volvo cars
5. Sveriges Television
6. Ica
7. Systembolaget
8. Ericsson
9. Volvo group
10. Linköping University

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