25 May 2021

Erik G. Larsson is one of three newly elected members to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA). Larsson is professor at Linköping University and head of the Division of Communication Systems in the Department of Electrical Engineering.

Erik G. Larsson, Division of Communication Systems, Department of Electrical Engineering
Photographer: Thor Balkhed

“It is incredibly gratifying and a great honour to be here among the leading researchers in Sweden. KVA’s main goal is to increase the influence of science in society, and that is something I look forward to being a part of and contributing to”, says Erik G. Larsson.

His research is conducted mainly in the broader areas of wireless communication systems, statistical signal processing and networks. Much of the research in his group concerns technologies for efficient and secure wireless connection and sensing beyond 5G.

Erik G. Larsson was elected new member of the class for engineering sciences at the KVA general meeting in April. The two other members elected at the meeting were Kristina Edström, professor of inorganic chemistry at the Department of Chemistry and head of the Ångström Advanced Battery Center, Uppsala University (engineering sciences), and Sten Linnarsson, professor of molecular systems biology at Karolinska Institutet (medical sciences).

More information is available at the website of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Translated by George Farrants.


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