Biomedical engineering

Research is carried out in a unique and very close collaboration with clinical practice. Instruments and systems are developed for diagnostic methods and treatments, and our research has been the basis of many spin-off companies through the years. At LiU research is also carried out into the flows in the heart and blood vessels, and within medical imaging and visualization.

Informatics research also contributes to extracting exact and relevant information from huge datasets, and advanced image analysis is also used here. Research into physiological measurements is a further speciality at LiU.

Researchers in biomedical engineering at LiU have not only been involved in starting spin-off companies, but also contributed with patents and knowledge. Companies that have benefited in one way or another from research at LiU include Perimed, Sectra, Amra, Biacore and Glycobond.

LiU is also home to the Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV).
The research we carry out into medical visualization is described separately below.


Simulation model of two different types of skiing techniques. With musculoskeletal modeling, the researchers can show how different muscles are activated.


What is the optimal pole technique in cross-country skiing? Why does the blood pressure increase with age? These questions and many more can be answered by applying fundamental principles from mechanics and thermodynamics. It´s done in biomechanics.

Blurry illustration, silhouette of a head in blue monochrome tones.

STRATIF-AI – Digital twins for stroke

The STRATIF-AI project is about continuous stratification for improved prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of stroke patients using digital twins and AI. It is a four-year research project funded by Horizon Europe.

Illustration of a person holding arms out, and a mirrored version showing internal organs.

Systems Biology

By combining mathematical models, prior knowledge, and experimental data, we unravel biological mechanisms and contribute to the development of new drugs and clinical tools.


Demonstration of surgical method.

Bioengineered cornea can restore sight to the blind and visually impaired

LiU-researchers have developed an implant made of collagen protein from pig’s skin, which resembles the human cornea. In a pilot study, the implant restored vision to 20 people with diseased corneas.

Biomedical Engineering

Major successes for multidisciplinary research at LiU

The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research has granted SEK 200 million for research in the interface between technology and medicine. LiU scientists are principle investigator in three of the six projects, and co-applicant in a fourth.

Vikas Gupta, Carl-Johan Carlhäll, Lilian Henriksson, Jonas Lantz, Matts Karlsson, Tino Ebbers and Anders Persson.

Blood flow in the heart revealed in a flash

Researchers at LiU have for the first time been able to use information from computer tomography images to simulate the heart function of an individual patient. Some of the modelling methods they use have been developed in the motor industry.

Research groups