Strategic Research Area in Forensic Sciences

Forensic Science

The Strategic Research Area in Forensic Sciences is a joint venture between the National Board of Forensic Medicine in Sweden and Linköping University.

Linköping is unique since the National Board of Forensic Medicine's Department of Forensic Genetics and Forensic Toxicology in Linköping is a national laboratory for genetic and toxicological analyzes as part of the justice system, which means that all analyzes are conducted in a laboratory with world-leading skills.

Linköping University is also unique as many research groups are renowned within forensic research. The National Board of Forensic Medicine in Sweden and Linköping University are now moving one of the newest strategic areas – The Strategic Research Area in Forensic Sciences – into new unexplored research areas to expand its position as world renounced organizations in forensics.

The overall scientific aims are:

  • The strategic area should conduct outstanding research that manifests itself in excellent research publications, excellent research and visibility on the international research arena.
  • Work for the expansion of the research within the field of forensic science.
  • Create and maintain an interactive and creative research environment within the field of forensic science between the National Board of Forensic Medicine and Linköping University
  • Improve the research infrastructure in forensic science both when it comes to personal and equipment


News about Forensic Sciences

transparent image, place holder

Research groups at the Strategic Research Area in Forensic Sciences

At the Strategic Research Area Forensic Sciences Area of Strength, there are a number of active research groups that move within several different fields. Click here to get more information about what research is being conducted in the area.

The conference venue Rimforsa Strand from above

SoFo annual meeting 17th to 18th of June 2024

We are pleased to invite you to the annual meeting within the Strategic Research Area in Forensic Science.

Male researcher in lab, blue background light.

SEK 13 million for research into solving murders using AI

Was it murder, poisoning or was the death maybe caused by disease? Researchers have now been granted SEK 13 million from the Swedish Research Council to develop a methodology to solve crimes using detailed analyses and artificial intelligence.

Research groups


Steering group

The management team reports to a steering group consisting of:

  • Dean at the Faculty of Medicine, LiU.
  • The Head of Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences (BKV), at LiU.
  • The Head of Division for Forensic Genetics and Forensic Chemistry at the The National Board of Forensic Medicine
  • The Head of the investigation unit for Forensic Genetics and Forensic Chemistry at The National Board of Forensic Medicine

Other strategic areas at LiU