Photo of Henrik Perälä

Henrik Perälä

Communications Officer

Social media editor and content producer.

Digital communication about research, education and collaborations

Digital channels and social media are the biggest entrances to the experience of Linköping University. That is why we want to attract, inspire and engage with well-designed and packaged information in our social media - every day.

As a communications officer at the Communications and Marketing Division (KOM), I work with all of LiU's social media channels, content production, strategy and analysis. The purpose is to communicate and inform about research, education and all collaborations that LiU is part of.

I am also part of the Crisis Communication Group. 

Previous communication assignments include the Department of Culture and Society (IKOS) and the research program WASP - Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program.


About me

Studied journalism and worked as a reporter, news anchor and web editor at workplaces such as Swedish Radio, Swedish Television and local news papers, as well as a communications officer at government offices and, among others, the Vasa Museum.

My driving force is to increase knowledge - among those who are or will be associated with the university, as well as among the general public.

Member of the Swedish Communication Association.

