29 October 2020

Eight scientists at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology got 3 to 4 million kronor each by the Swedish Research Council.

Fruit flies.
Fruit flies contribute to research. Magnus Johansson

The Swedish Research Council awards researchers in Natural and Engineering sciences 1,1 billion SEK between 2020 and 2024. One of the projects at LiU is about better analysis of data when humans interact with computers, another is about electronic components similar to our skin. 

The researchers at IFM that receives funding from the Swedish Research Council are:
Rickard Armiento, Senior lecturer, Theoretical Physics

Sai Bai, Research Fellow, Electronic and Photonic Materials

Weimin Chen, Professor, Electronic and Photonic Materials

Urban Friberg, Senior lecturer, Biology

Olle Hellman, Research Fellow, Theoretical Physics

Jawad Ul Hassan, Senior lecturer, Semiconductor Materials

Kajsa Uvdal, Professor, Molecular Surface Physics and Nanoscience

Björn Wallner, Professor, Bioinformatics 

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