19 November 2021

Visual artist and motion graphic designer Natalia Oliwiak has been chosen for a position as artist-in-residence and will work together with LiU researchers in a unique project in the dome theatre of Visualiseringscenter C in Norrköping.

A portrait of Natalia Oliwak sitting on a set of outdoor stairs
Natalia Oliwiak Photo: Michał Kata
Ett porträtt i halvbild av Ahmet BörüteceneAhmet Börütecene Photo: Nevin Dogan

Assistant Professor Ahmet Börütecene at the Department of Science and Technology (ITN) has always been fascinated by dome theatres.

When I was thirteen, I had the chance to visit Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie (City of Science and Industry, Europe's largest science museum) and La Géode in Paris. I remember how amazing it was to be taken to the Moon and navigate through space as if you were there.

The fascination for dome theatres carried over into his adult life and as a researcher at Linköping University Ahmet Börütecene describes working with the dome at Norrköping Visualiseringscenter C and colleagues that share the same interests as a dream coming true. A few years ago, Ahmet Börütecene and a couple of colleagues got an idea for a unique project in the dome.

We know that here we have one of the most advanced dome theaters in the world, and the Visualization Center excels at creating fulldome productions for visual science communication. We asked a simple question: what if we invite artists to work with this cutting-edge technology to see what artistic exploration tells us about this immersive environment?

Unique project in the dome theatre

With funding from Norrköpings forskningsfond they decided to create a residency for artists in the dome.

The residency, first of its kind in the Nordic region, will create an opportunity for two artists — one visual artist and one music artist — to work together and develop an immersive multimedia artwork for the dome in 2022. This process will also involve collaboration with researchers, producers, and visualization technology specialists from LiU, building upon the expertise we have in Campus Norrköping. Through this artistic perspective, our aim is to learn more about immersive visualization and experience, attract a wider audience to the Visualization Center, and strengthen Norrköping’s identity in the sphere of culture and art, says Ahmet Börütecene.

En sfärsik bild av lövträdConcept art: Natalia Oliwiak

The selection process among the applicants for the position as artist-in-residence is now done and the choice has fallen on Polish visual artist and motion graphic designer Natalia Oliwiak.

It sounded like something dedicated to me, a unique opportunity to develop my skills in immersive media. I had some ideas for immersive projects, but for a long time I dreamed of making a therapeutic fulldome movie which could transfer the audience to the state of relaxation, and I thought this residence is a great opportunity to explore this idea, says Natalia Oliwiak.

During the pandemic time, we realized how important the contact with nature is, as well as how beneficial effect it has on the human psyche. That's why I would like to use spherical recordings of nature. Moreover, the dome's spherical shape naturally allows to focus our attention on our inner selves, so being immersed in the surrounding picture and sounds of nature may put the audience in the state of calm.

Next step - music

Ahmet Börütecene is excited for the collaboration with Natalia Oliwiak:
She is an award-winning visual artist experienced in making fulldome movies and creating immersive experiences. Moreover, she radiates good vibes and values collaborative work. I think Natalia’s artistic vision and research will provide an engaging experience to the audience and make us see the dome in a different light.

The next step for the project is to find a music artist to work together with Natalia Oliwiak.

We are currently seeking a music artist/group — just published the open call — that will work together with her next year, so we are looking forward to the applications, says Ahmet Börütecene.


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