05 November 2019

Students at Linköping University took gold in the international competition in synthetic biology, iGEM 2019.



Film: See how the bandage that kills bacteria works.


LiU iGEM 2019 is the name of the team which travelled to Boston for a competition in synthetic biology. Their entry, a bandage that kills bacteria, had already won the jury prize in the Nordic iGEM Conference.

“This is a huge event: we’re really excited”, says head of laboratory Anna Daerr before the competition in Boston.

iGEM is a competition in synthetic biology. It attracts around 300 teams from all around the world to the international phase, which took place in Boston, USA. The team from Linköping University consists of nine students from various bachelor and master’s programmes in chemistry, biology and medicine.

The project has led to a product: Novosite. This is an antimicrobial bandage that can reduce the use of antibiotics. (See how it works in the film above.)
The project developing the bandage has been in progress since January 2019. They have worked intensively through the year to achieve their excellent results.

“We’ve been in the lab all summer, every day, and we are proud of what we have achieved”, says Anna Daerr.

The LiU team received gold awards in the following classes:

  • Best therapeutics project
  • Best presentation
  • Best wiki

The team was nominated for awards also in the following classes:

  • Best integrated human practices
  • Best model
  • Best new basic part
  • Best new composite part
  • Best part collection

Full results are available on the iGem website.

Since the LiU iGEM 2019 team won the jury prize in the Nordic competition this year, LiU will be host to the Nordic iGEM Conference in 2020.

Translated by George Farrants

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