10 February 2021

The supply of student housing is unusually good, both in Linköping and Norrköping. One reason is the pandemic, which has led to far fewer international students coming to Linköping University.

Anna Nilsen
“We normally have some apartments for rent during the spring term, but this year it looks very good. There are plenty of apartments, student rooms, and rooms for boarders”, says Sara Sandberg.
Sara Sandberg is housing coordinator at Kombo, the students’ tenant association, which helps LiU students find accommodation.

The pandemic is one reason for fewer students coming to LiU. Another is that new student housing has recently been completed in both Linköping and Norrköping. And in Linköping more is on the way, including in the student housing precinct of Colonia adjacent to Campus Valla, and in the district of Lambohov.
“They will be filled in the autumn, when many more students begin. There might be a housing shortage in the early part of the autumn term, but this usually sorts itself out as the term proceeds”, says Sara Sandberg.

More housing required

Simon Helmér, managing director at Studentbostäder, agrees that the supply of vacant student accommodation is good.
“The difference this year is that we also have apartments available, we don’t normally have that.”
The supply of student housing is so good that many rooms and apartments are empty – but this is not something that concerns him.
“No, we have lots of vacancies now, but we will need even more student housing in the future. We are planning 500 more housing units in Linköping – at Flamman in the district of Gottfridsberg, in Ryd and at Folkungavallen in the town centre. We hope that the first ones will be ready in two or three years.”

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