13 December 2018

Lonni Besançon has been awarded for his thesis "An interaction Continuum for 3D Dataset Visualization".

hybrid-tactile-tangible-for-scientific-visualizationTangible manipulation of a cutting plane to understand a FTLE dataset.

Lonni Besançon has got his Ph.D. in Human Computer Interaction in Paris with Inria Saclay, Limsi/CNRS, and Université Paris Sud. He was supervised by Tobias Isenberg from Inria and Mehdi Ammi from LIMSI/CNRS. His main focus lies in the intersection between human-computer interaction and interactive scientific visualization. At IAS, he will work on proposing visual exploration tool of register data.

The work presented in this thesis demonstrates the potential of an interaction continuum for 3D visualizations by proposing hybrid interaction paradigms in an easy-to-maintain, easy-to-integrate, and affordable setup. It provides the necessary initial steps for an interaction continuum that will hopefully inspire the creation of more hybrid interaction techniques for 3D data interaction.

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The thesis >>

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Le Monde – newspaper blog post (in French) >>

Prix de thèse du GdR IG-RV (in French) >>
Translated extract from the page above:
From 2017, the GdR IG-RV has decided to set up an IGRV thesis prize. The aim of this thesis prize is to reward each year an excellent dissertation from the GdR IG-RV community. The interest is twofold. For the young doctor concerned, this prize will bring a high visibility to his work and a recognition of the GdR community on the excellence of the results obtained. For the GdR community, this prize will make visible first-class work from our research themes. The disciplinary outline of the prize is that of the GdR Geometric and Graphic Computer Science, Virtual Reality and Visualization and its working groups. Each year, the jury of the GdR Thesis Prize nominates one laureate and two members of the GdR steering committee for validation.


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