03 September 2020

Jenny Hagenblad moved her students outside to minimize the risk of spreading Corona.

Jenny Hagenblad teaches evolution in a park.
Jenny Hagenblad teaches evolution in a close by park.

The Fall of 2020 has kicked off on Campus Valla and, just like the spring of 2020, it comes with new challenges. Associate professor Jenny Hagenblad teaches Biology and this early September she is trying something new. 

- We´re having classes outside, if the weather permits it, she says.

The students are taking a class in evolution and as long as the summer heat sticks around, some of the classes will be outside. This afternoon is at an introductory level in evolution at the Lill-Valla playground. The students are spread out amongst the gras, birch and sunshine.

- Some are new students and some of them are studying to become a high school teacher in biology. The students have been very understanding towards us teachers during the distance mode. This is the first year I’m trying outside classes and so far, the weather is with us, says Jenny Hagenblad. 

Amanda Wickbom, Donna Mach, Robin Lund and Smilla Stenberg are seated on some logs in the wooded area of the playground. They have been given a laminated paper with figures that are part of the class.

- Everything is new to me as a student, so this is not weirder than anything else, says Amanda Wickbom.

- As long as the sun shines, it´s nice to be outside, rather than sitting in a classroom, says Donna Mach.

Jenny Hagenblads initiative, to move classes outside when possible, is an attempt to adapt to the Covid-19 pandemic and minimize the spread of the virus. 

- Limitations forces us to think in creative ways and try new things. I just wish there were more time for finding new solutions. But since the distance mode and the decision that first year students shall have on-campus classes, the doors are open to some new ideas for us teachers, says Jenny Hagenblad. 


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