15 February 2022

Linköping University (LiU) has landed on spot 38 of the Times Higher Education ranking of the world’s young universities. This is the best result ever for LiU.

Two LiU-flags with a blue sky as background.
LiUcontinues to rise in global university rankings. The THE has ranked the world’sbest young universities, and LiU has landed on spot 38 – the university’s bestever ranking.  Photographer: Anna Nilsen

LiU continues to rise in global university rankings. The British magazine Times Higher Education (THE) has ranked the most prominent higher education institutions that are younger than 50, and LiU has landed on spot 38 – a big rise from 2020, when LiU was ranked as the world’s 83rd best young higher education institution.

LiU’s ranking is the highest among Swedish higher education institutions. The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and Örebro University have come in at spots 58 and 84 respectively, among 100 institutions.

In total, the THE looked at 539 higher education institutions, and Paris Sciences et Lettres – PSL Research University – topped the list. Hong Kong has three universities in the top ten. The ranking is based on both research and education-related data, and is also based on the same September 2021 data which forms the basis of the THE World University Rankings, which looks at all higher education institutions regardless of age. The indicators used in the two rankings are the same, but the weightings were changed slightly.

In the big THE ranking, LiU ended up at 283 – a jump of over 100 places compared to 2020. LiU also rose significantly in the 2021 QS World University Rankings, another of the three dominant global ranking lists.

- We’re delighted to once again be able to celebrate LiU taking a big step up the rankings of the world’s universities. People have different opinions about the value of ranking lists, naturally. And these lists don’t give the whole picture. But they’re here to stay, and are very important internationally, not least of all among prospective students and young researchers”, says Vice-Chancellor Jan-Ingvar Jönsson.

Here is the ranking of young universities from Times Higher Education.

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