19 November 2020

Six researchers at Linköping University have been awarded research grants from the Formas research council. The supported projects cover a wide range: the challenges facing municipalities, nudging, and the genetic properties of boar sperm.

First snow at Campus Valla in Linköping, Sweden
Photographer: Magnus Johansson

Formas has announced the projects that have been awarded research funds in the annual open call for 2020. The purpose of the annual open call is to enable researchers to formulate their own questions based on identified societal needs.

Two researchers from Linköping University have received grants in the open call. Associate Professor Gissur Erlingsson in the Department of Culture and Society receives nearly SEK 2.9 million for the project “Mellankommunal samverkan – ett ändamålsenligt svar på kommunsektorns utmaningar? (Collaboration between municipalities – an appropriate response to challenges in the municipal sector?).” Professor Daniel Västfjäll in the Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning has been awarded nearly SEK 2.6 million for the project “Nudging för att öka hushållens resurseffektiva beslut (Nudging to increase resource-efficient decisions taken by households)”.

Within the framework of the open call, grants are also awarded to researchers early in their career. Senior Lecturer Wisdom Kanda, Department of Management and Engineering, has received nearly SEK 4 million for the project “Entreprenöriella ekosystem för nystartade företag som utvecklar cirkulära affärsmodeller (Entrepreneurial ecosystems for newly established companies that develop circular business models)”, while postdoc Kajsa-Stina Benulic, Department of Thematic Studies, will receive nearly SEK 3.2 million for the project “Inkluderande klimatomställning – dialoger om att leva hållbart bortom staden (Inclusive climate adaptation – dialogues on sustainable living beyond the reach of the city)”. Principal research engineer Daniel Nätt’s project “Metabolisk prestation hos griskultingar - Vilken roll spelar små-RNA i galtens spermier? (“Metabolic performance in piglets – the role of small RNA in boar sperm?)” has been awarded nearly SEK 4 million.

Finally, Rie Henriksen of the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology will receive nearly SEK 2 million for “Vikten av att motsvara stress före och efter kläckning hos kycklingar (The Importance of counteracting stress before and after chicken hatching)” within the framework of the call “Åtgärder ökad djurvälfärd (Measures for increased animal welfare”).

Formas has characterised all projects granted funding as being of “high scientific quality and societal relevance”.

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