17 June 2022

Next generation THz ellipsometer growing

We have recently assembled all components of our new THz ellipsometer on its goniometer at the 8T magnet. Still in development, the new setup features an optimized optical design for very long wavelengths (100GHz, millimeterwaves) and we aim to measure full Müller matrices. New technology for source and detector will allow faster detection and enable new modulation schemes for sensitivity enhancement. The new instrument utilizes also 3D-printed components and is entirely based on in-house developed controls.
The work is supported by the Knut & Alice Wallenberg foundation, the Swedish Center for III-Nitride Technology (C3NiT, Vinnova), and the Swedish Research Council.

THz ellipsometer

Chapter on Phonon Properties published in book Gallium Oxide

In this chapter, written by members of our team we present and discuss the complete set of infrared-active phonon modes in monoclinic-symmetry crystal modification gallium oxide. This chapter attempts to summarise the current state of knowledge about the optical phonon mode propoerties and their coupling with free charge carriers in gallium oxide with monoclinic crystal structure.

You can find the book at springer.com.

The 2nd Swedish Terahertz workshop

The 2nd Swedish Terahertz workshop was held on the 28th of March 2019 at Linköping University. It was organized by the members of the Terahertz Materials Analysis Center (THeMAC).

During the event participants could listen to the presentations given by scientists from Sweden, USA and Italy working in the area of terahertz technologies and materials. In addition, participants had a chance to join the guided tour to the lab facilities of the THeMAC.

THz frequency-domain ellipsometer and OHE instrument

2018 May: The OHE instrument was integrated into the THz frequency-domain ellipsometer. The instrument has been re-configured to accommodate the superconducting magnet with VTI providing magnetic fields up to 8 Tesla and samples temperatures in range of 2.5 – 400 Kelvin. In addition, the accessible spectra range was extended into the far-infrared range by installing the Bruker Vertex 70 FIR spectrometer-based source.

Data storage and analysis lab

2018 May: The analysis and data storage server has been set up. The server has 1 CPU with 12 physical cores (24 virtual) and 64 GB RAM, and thus can handle multiple heavy analysis tasks. Another CPU and more RAM can be added if needs arises.

The server has been set up to allow connection of external users. So far we succesfully connected from Windows and Linux OSs, and we testing with Mac OS.

The analysis software has also been istalled and is ready to use. Currently the databses have been prepared.

Latest news from LiU

Portrait (Feng Gao).

Prestigious physics award for Feng Gao

This year's Göran Gustafsson Prize in Physics goes to LiU professor Feng Gao. His research focuses on how new materials can be used for the next generation of solar cells and LEDs, among other things. The total prize money is SEK 7.5 million.

Researcher hold a glowing sheet of glass with tweezers.

Next generation LEDs are cheap and sustainable

Cost, technical performance and environmental impact – these are the three most important aspects for a new type of LED technology to have a broad commercial impact on society. This has been demonstrated by LiU-researchers in a new study.

Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert.

Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert is the next Moa Martinson Professor

Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert is a visual artist, researcher and a professor at the Cyprus University of Technology. Her research and artistic practice focus on museum studies and visual sociology, particular on photography and emerging technologies.