05 September 2019

Music, talks, guided tours and an experiment workshop. An intense and highly popular opening week for Studenthuset is over, and the building can now be said to be well and truly open.

Students and balloons in the Student House entrance floor.
Photographer: Magnus Johansson
The festivities started on Friday with the official opening ceremony to cut the red tape. Or, as it was in this case, to untie the ribbon, which Vice-Chancellor Helen Dannetun and Minister for Gender Equality Åsa Lindhagen, LiU alumna, carried out together.

Anneli Friberg, UniversitetsbiblioteketAnneli Friberg, University Library Photo credit Magnus JohanssonAnd this was just the beginning. The week that followed was filled with hundreds of activities. Anneli Friberg from the University Library, which has just moved into Studenthuset, was involved in planning several of the activities and in their execution – she has held talks, acted as guide, and chaired panel discussions.
“The days have been intense, with many visitors. But I think the greatest fun was seeing the activity, creativity, and curious minds working in DigiMaker. Here, it was possible to test things out, such as eco-friendly travel by VR, acting in front of a greenscreen, creating items in a 3D printer, or simply building with Lego. University co-workers with their children, students, and the general public – DigiMaker drew a wide range of visitors.

Thought through and clear function

Öppet hus Studenthuset 20190831. Arkitekterna Linda Mattsson och Ola Strandell.Linda Mattsson, architect at White Architects Photo credit Magnus JohanssonStudenthuset was open to the general public during the weekend. Personnel from White Arkitekter and Akademiska Hus were here to hold guided tours in the building and explain how the principles of low climate impact, reuse and recycling had been incorporated into the architecture.
“It’s fun and rewarding to meet the general public and describe our ideas about quality in construction”, said Linda Mattsson, one of the architects. “We don’t do this very often. Aesthetics is knowledge, not just a question of taste. Each detail in a building has been thought through, and given a clear function.”

The week offered a full range of lectures and talks. One popular talk was given by Per Jensen, professor of ethology, who talked about the role dogs can play in research, while another was by Fredrik Heintz about the way in which AI affects, and will affect, us all.
And during the week, nominations for Sweden’s largest teaching award opened. Professor Emeritus Ingemar Ingemarsson founded the award, and came to Studenthuset to talk about it.

Öppet hus Studenthuset 20190831. Samuel Sandberg och Camilla Smedberg.Samuel Sandberg from the TV show Smartare än en femteklassare is interviewed in Studenthuset during the opening week Photo credit Magnus JohanssonFuture biology teacher

One person who came to listen to Per Jensen is well-known to all who watch the popular TV programme “Smartare än en femteklassare”. Samuel Sandberg, now in the sixth grade, is extremely interested in biology and was active in the TV programme helping competitors answer questions on biology.
“I’d like to be a biology teacher and would like to study here at LiU”, Samuel Sandberg said, after hearing Per Jensen’s talk.

Elisabeth Ingo spikar sin avhandling i StudenthusetElisabeth Ingo is posting her thesisThe first thesis was also posted in Studenthuset during the opening week. This wasn’t actually included in the programme, but was a noteworthy event. Elisabeth Ingo, doctoral student at the Swedish Institute for Disability Research and the Linnaeus Centre HEAD, posted her thesis: “Climbing up the hearing rehabilitation ladder”.

All through the week, the many different choirs and music ensembles at the university provided entertainment. On the balcony above the Info Centre, choral performances from Linköping University Women’s Choir – Linnea, Chorus Lin, and Linköping University Male Voice Choir have been held, and a concert by the Linköping University Symphony Orchestra.

Where’s the library?

Studenter i Studenthuset under invigningsveckan Photo credit Magnus Johansson“Probably the most frequently asked question during the week has been: Where’s the library? People are probably expecting it to be in a particular place, but the whole concept of the building is that boundaries between different operations are to be floating”, says Anneli Friberg. “I tell them that the part of the building devoted to the library starts on Level 3 and continues upwards. Most of the book collection is on open shelves down on Level 1.”

“It was also great to see how the guided tours became increasingly popular: more people joined them as they progressed through the building. But even so, what really made the greatest impression on me was the activities in DigiMaker, even while popular talks were going on at the same time.”

Translated by George Farrants

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