
Extensive research is being conducted into sensors used to monitor water, air and other environmental factors, both chemical and optical. This research covers also various types of biosensor. Leading research is also carried out into sensor fusion, with many practical applications.

This research area covers everything from pure basic research to applied research and spin-off companies.

Examples of sensors that are studied are various types for gas measurement, monitoring emissions of NOx and sulphur dioxide, particle detectors, graphene-based sensors, and much more.

Research is also carried out into sensor systems connected to the internet of things, for environmental control both indoors and outdoors.

Sensor fusion is a further area in which LiU leads the field, with applications such as directing autonomous vehicles, navigating in smoke-filled corridors, and preventing the poaching of extinction-threatened animals in Africa.


Biosensors are another field in which research at LiU has a strong position. One of the results of this research is a blood-sugar gauge of credit-card size for people with diabetes. The goal of this research is to develop biosensors that make life easier for people with various types of disease, and that provide greater independence and a greater degree of individually tailored medication. Biosensor are also studied for the development of biological pharmaceuticals and diagnostic agents.

Highly praised research is also being conducted into chemical and optical sensor systems built into a chip, known as “lab-on-a-chip”. A disposable test stick can act as a complete tiny laboratory, and the results can be sent to the caregiver by, for example, mobile phone.

Several spin-off companies have arisen from this research, such as SenSIC AB (environmental monitoring), Wiotech AB (systems connected to the internet of things) and SenionLab AB (indoor tracking).


Researcher holds a piece of cloth infront of face.

Your clothes will soon be extra muscles

Textile muscles is a young research field. In the long run, the technology can be built into clothes that can give an extra boost during heavy lifting, give hugs at a distance and help the visually impaired navigate the urban environment.

Edwin Jager, IFM, along with his co-applicant Nils-Krister Persson at Swedish School of Textiles

Continued funding for textile muscles

Edwin Jager (IFM) along with his co-applicant Nils-Krister Persson (Swedish School of Textiles) recently received the exciting news of continued funding for their project "Textile muscles for augmenting garments" from the Erling-Perssons Foundation.

Tractor with seed drill.

New technology to secure future harvests

Wars, natural disasters and climate change bring huge challenges for the agriculture industry, which must at the same time provide food for a growing population. Future high-technology solutions  can increase food production in a sustainable manner.


Organic energy harvester

Organic Energy Harvesters

Our vision is to create the next generation of green, cheap, reliable energy devices for the coming revolution of internet of everything. The emphasis is to combine energy conversion and mechanical compatibility for flexible and wearable electronics.

Nucleic Acids Technologies Lab

The Nucleic Acids Technologies Lab explores the use of nucleic acids as biorecognition molecules to develop highly specific and sensitive systems, with various detection modalities.

Laboratory of molecular materials

We are a multidisciplinary team with a passion for science. Our research is focused on design and development of molecules, soft materials and hybrid nanoscale components and devices for a wide range of biomedical applications.

Strategic research