Internationell workshop om olika aspekter av migration och dess konsekvenser för politikens villkor. Avslutningsvis diskuterar företrädare för olika forskningsmiljöer förutsättningar och utmaningar för framtidens migrationsforskning.
På Arbetets Museum (Museum of Work), Campus Norrköping
Welcome and presentation of the workshop
Carl-Ulrik Schierup. Director of REMESO
Can We Rethink Migration Through Logistics? Labour, Mobility and Integration
Manuela Bojadzijev. Junior Professor in Globalized Cultures, Leuphana Universität, Lüneburg, Germany
Migration and Health in Southern Africa: Generating, Communicating and Using Knowledge to Improve Health of People on the Move
Jo Veary. Associate Professor, African Centre for Migration and Society, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Invisible Majorities? The Racialisation of Migration
Steve Garner. Professor of Critical Race Studies, Birmingham City University, UK
Roundtable. Challenges and Opportunities for Migration Research
Representatives from Swedish Centres for Research on Migration and Ethnicity and International Speakers
Coffee and Mingle
Registrering genom före 30 augusti.